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发布时间:2018-04-29 06:35

  本文选题:评论方向 + 追加一致性水平 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, e-commerce brings people the convenience of life. People can buy the products they need through the network. At the same time, more and more researchers pay attention to the influencing factors of consumer shopping decision in the network environment. Consumers often pay attention to and refer to other consumers' comments on the product during the process of browsing the product page and making consumer decisions. In a 2015 report on China's online shopping market, China Internet Information Center (CNNIC) pointed out that online reviews play a very important role in influencing consumers' online shopping decisions. Internet review is the main information source for consumers to judge the quality of network products and business services before purchasing products. By uploading their own online reviews, consumers can express their satisfaction with the purchase of products and put forward their own suggestions, which makes online reviews a bridge between consumers and businesses. At the same time, it also provides a channel for other consumers to understand the actual product information. At present, the influence of online reviews has been widely studied in various fields. Through the review of the previous literature, it is found that all kinds of research focus more on the initial reviews of products. However, as a new form of evaluation in online shopping, it may also have a great impact on consumers' purchasing behavior. The content of the additional comments is generally a consumer's experience of the related products and services, and a more comprehensive and reliable understanding of the products, so for potential consumers, The information about the product and service in the append comment is more truthful and reliable. It can be said that the credibility of the append comment should be higher than that of the initial comment. Because the research of append comment in online shopping is not enough at present, this paper, after sorting out the relevant literature, thinks that it is necessary to study the influence of append comment in online shopping on college students' shopping intention. At the same time, trust variable is introduced into the research of append comment. In this study 292 college students were chosen as the subjects of the experiment and two experiments were designed to verify the hypothesis of the research and simulate the real online shopping page to fill out the questionnaire through the link of the web page. Analysis of variance, regression analysis of the results of the study collated and analyzed. The following conclusion is drawn: 1) when purchasing search products and experiential products on the Internet, whether the initial comment direction is positive or negative, college students' willingness to purchase will be enhanced by positive additional comments. When purchasing search-oriented products on the Internet, the direction of comment has a moderating effect, and trust acts as an intermediary variable, that is to say, the adjustment effect of the direction of comment is realized by the intermediary variable of trust. The test results verify the regulatory model with mediations. However, when buying experiential products, the adjustment effect of comment direction is not realized by trust as an intermediary variable, and there is no adjustment model with intermediary.


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