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发布时间:2018-04-29 09:43

  本文选题:情绪 + 道德决策 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Previous studies found that eliciting different emotions not only affected the subjects' moral decision-making principles, but also affected the subjects' behavioral tendency. In addition, it was also found that different emotions had a specific effect on a specific moral field. However, in the previous studies, although some researchers selected emotion based on the evaluation theory of emotion, but only selected a part of the emotion, and did not systematically test the emotion; moreover, when selecting the material of moral dilemma, the researcher chose the material of moral dilemma. The problem of life and death dilemma of many experimental materials based on Greene is divorced from reality, which is of low practical value. In this study, three mixed experiments were conducted to explore the effects of inducing different specific emotions on individual altruistic behavior and egoism behavior. First of all, we select the three dimensions of cognitive evaluation dimension of emotional evaluation theory, namely, price, responsibility and certainty, and choose six different specific emotions based on these three dimensions. Secondly, based on the latest research of the five basic theories of Haidt morality and the moral problems that our society pays more attention to at present, we take the moral dilemma in the three fields of care, honesty and professional ethics, which is closely related to people's life, as the experimental material. In the experiment, autobiographical recall method was used to induce the corresponding emotion of the subjects, and then completed the tasks of moral decision-making in the fields of care, honesty and professional ethics. In order to prevent the subjects from deliberately highlighting their excellent qualities, the general social positive tendency of the subjects was measured and analyzed as a covariable. Results: (1) except angry emotion, there was no significant difference in the influence of different emotion on individual moral decision, and there was no significant difference in the influence of different emotion in deterministic dimension on individual moral decision. There is no significant difference in the influence of different emotions in responsibility dimension on individual moral decision-making. The cognitive evaluation theory of emotion can not explain this.) anger and pride, gratitude, disgust, fear, shame, etc. There are significant differences in the influence of any neutral emotion on individual moral decision-making. In anger, the altruistic behavior tendency of subjects in the field of care was significantly lower than that of other emotions.) Dilemma type significantly affected the subjects' moral decision-making. Egoism in the field of honesty is significantly lower than that in the field of love and professional ethics, and altruism in the field of love is significantly lower than that in the field of integrity and professional ethics. The core theme of emotional evaluation theory can be better explained. Different emotions emphasize different social moral concerns, which will lead to different moral judgments, and lead to different individual moral decisions. This result is in line with the current social reality in China.


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