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发布时间:2018-05-03 10:54

  本文选题:无意视盲 + 非期望刺激 ; 参考:《心理发展与教育》2015年06期

[Abstract]:In this paper, the continuous dynamic experimental paradigm of Mosts2000 is used to study the effect of the ecological meaning information on unintentional blindness with circles, abstract faces and real faces as undesired stimuli. It was found that the perceiving rate of negative faces was higher than that of neutral faces, but there was no significant difference between positive faces and neutral faces as non-expected stimuli. The perceiving rate of abstract face and real face as non-expected stimulus is higher, but there is no significant difference between abstract face and real face as non-expected stimulus. The results show that the rate of unintentional blindness of negative and fine undesired stimuli is lower, that is, the unwanted stimuli with strong ecological meaning information are more likely to catch attention.
【作者单位】: 浙江工商职业技术学院心理中心;宁波大学心理系;
【基金】:全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题(DEA130242) 宁波大学学科项目(XKW141010)


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