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发布时间:2018-05-03 22:09

  本文选题:自大自豪 + 真正自豪 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自我意识情绪是一种涉及到自我意识的增强或减弱的高级情绪。作为一种常见的自我意识情绪,自豪是个体对与自身有关的成功事件进行内部归因时体验到的情绪。它是个体走向成功、获得力量以及拥有地位的必备情绪,研究发现自豪具有“两面性”,是一个两维的心理结构,可以分为自大自豪和真正自豪。前者指的是对唤起自豪的事件进行内部的、稳定的、不可控的归因而引起的情绪,后者指的是对唤起自豪的事件进行内部的、不稳定、可控的归因而引起的情绪。来自语义分析、人格、社交行为、心理健康和认知评价的证据都证明了自豪两的两维度划分。 研究者指出在社会交往中,构成偏见和歧视的共同动机,是对自我的感觉(如自尊或自我价值感)会影响到被污名他人的评价。具体来说,在自我形象受到威胁的情形下,偏见和歧视最明显。为了应对对自我造成的威胁,个体会对被污名他人做出更消极的评价,以此获得一种掌控感或自我优越感,从而暂时获得自我价值,避免面对真正的威胁。自豪作为个体对与自身有关的成功事件进行内部归因时体验到的情绪,实质上也是一种对自我的认识。自大自豪是以对自我的一种不牢靠的积极情绪为特点,而这种不牢靠的自我价值会增加对污名群体的偏见,由此我们认为自大自豪会引发对污名他人的消极评价。而真正自豪是以对自我的一种牢靠的积极情绪为特点,并且这种情绪有助于阻止个体对污名的他人持消极评价。 通过两个实验探究自大自豪与真正自豪对他人评价是否存在不同影响。实验一通过想象任务诱导自大自豪与真正自豪,然后考察被试在不同情绪状态下对他人的不同评价(包括污名组和非污名组),实验二在实验一的基础上进一步探讨自大自豪与真正自豪对强弱他人的评价差异是如何产生的。 最后本研究得出了如下结论:(1)通过想象任务成功地诱发了自大自豪与真正自豪情绪;(2)自大自豪与真正自豪对他人评价有着不同的影响,具体来说,处于自大自豪情绪体验的个体对他人有更消极的评价,而处于真正自豪情绪体验的个体则减少了对他人的消极评价;(3)在人际交往中,真正自豪的个体是通过强调与强者的相似性来增强自我意识,而自大自豪的个体是通过强调与弱者的差异性来增强自我意识。
[Abstract]:Self consciousness is a kind of advanced emotion involving the enhancement or weakening of self consciousness. As a common sense of self consciousness, pride is the emotion experienced by the individual in the internal attribution of successful events related to itself. It is a necessary emotion for the individual to succeed, to gain strength and to have a position, to find pride in the study. "Two sides", a two dimensional psychological structure, can be divided into pride and real pride. The former refers to the emotion caused by internal, stable, uncontrollable attribution to the events of pride, the latter refers to the emotion caused by the internal, unstable, controllable attribution of the events that arouse the pride. Self Evidential Analysis, personality, social behavior, mental health and cognitive evaluation all prove the two dimension of pride two.
The researchers point out that in social interaction, the common motivation of prejudice and discrimination is that the sense of self (such as self-esteem or self worth) affects the evaluation of the stigmatized others. Specifically, prejudice and discrimination are most obvious in situations where the self image is threatened. In order to cope with the threat to self, the individual will be stigmatized. A person makes a more negative evaluation to gain a sense of control or self superiority so as to temporarily gain self worth and avoid a real threat. Pride, as an individual's internal attribution to a successful event related to itself, is also a sense of self. Pride is a self - pride. The infirm positive emotion is characterized by this unreliable self value that increases the prejudice against the stigma, and we believe that pride will lead to negative comments on the stigma of others. People hold negative comments.
Two experiments were conducted to explore whether pride and real pride have different effects on others' evaluation. Experiment 1 induced pride and real pride by imagining tasks, and then examined the different evaluations of others in different emotional states (including stigma and non stigma), and the two experiment was further explored on the basis of experiment one. How does the difference between arrogant pride and true pride differ from others?
Finally, the conclusions are as follows: (1) self pride and real pride are successfully induced through imaginative tasks; (2) self pride and real pride have different effects on others' evaluation, specifically, individuals who are in a self proud experience have a more negative evaluation of others and are in real pride experience. The individual reduces the negative evaluation of others; (3) in interpersonal communication, the truly proud individual strengthens self consciousness by emphasizing the similarity with the strong, while the self proud individual strengthens the self consciousness by emphasizing the difference between the weak and the weak.



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