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发布时间:2018-05-04 11:33

  本文选题:无关言语效应 + 中文句子阅读 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:无关言语效应,是指无关的背景言语显著破坏正在进行的认知任务表现的现象。已有的采用短时记忆任务的研究结果均支持无关言语效应是一种过程干扰,但目前尚无研究证实无关言语对阅读等偏重语义加工的复杂认知任务的影响是源于相同的加工过程还是源于视听材料内容上的相似。本研究借助眼动追踪技术,系统地探讨无关言语(新闻联播音频)对中文句子阅读的影响。实验一初步考察无关言语是否会干扰中文句子阅读,以及言语的语义成分起到怎样的作用。实验采用3(背景音类型:有意义言语,无意义言语,无)×2(目标词词频:高频,低频)两因素被试内设计。结果发现,(1)相比无背景音条件,读者在有意义言语条件下需要更长的阅读时间,更多的注视次数和回视次数;而无意义言语与无背景音条件下的眼动指标无显著差异;(2)首次注视时间上,背景音类型和词频产生显著的交互作用,表现为背景音(有意义言语和无意义言语)条件下的词频效应消失。可见,在句子阅读任务中同样存在无关言语效应,无关言语干扰了早期的词汇识别,且言语的语义成分较声学特征起到更大的作用。实验二在实验一的基础上,深入探讨在中文句子阅读任务中,无关言语效应的作用机制是过程干扰还是内容干扰。实验采用3(背景音类型:有意义言语,无意义言语,无)×2(任务类型:自然阅读,校对阅读)两因素混合实验设计。其中,背景音类型为被试内变量,任务类型为被试间变量。实验二同样得到显著的无关言语效应,表现为,有意义言语和无意义言语均降低了读者的阅读理解正确率,但只有在有意义言语条件下,读者的有效阅读速率显著降低。并且,背景音类型与任务类型存在交互的趋势,在校对阅读状态下并未发现不同的背景音对阅读的影响存在显著差异,表明在视听材料内容相似性一致的情况下,背景音对阅读的干扰程度仍因任务不同而不同,即会受到任务类型的调节。实验结果在一定程度上支持过程干扰假设(Marsh,Hughes Jones,2007,2009)。
[Abstract]:Irrelevant speech effect refers to the phenomenon that irrelevant background speech significantly destroys the performance of ongoing cognitive tasks. The results of existing studies using short-term memory tasks support that irrelevant speech effects are a kind of process interference. However, there is no research to confirm whether the influence of irrelevant speech on the complex cognitive tasks, such as reading and so on, is due to the same processing process or the similarity of audio-visual material content. In this study, the effects of irrelevant speech (news syndication audio) on Chinese sentence reading were systematically investigated by eye tracking technique. Experiment 1 investigates whether irrelevant speech interferes with Chinese sentence reading and how the semantic components of speech play a role. The experiment was designed by using 3 (background sound type: meaningful speech, meaningless speech, meaningless speech) 脳 2 (target word frequency: high frequency, low frequency). The results showed that the readers need longer reading time, more fixation and more times to look back in meaningful speech condition than those without background sound condition. However, there was no significant difference in eye movement between meaningless speech and background sound. (2) in the first fixation time, the type of background sound and the frequency of words had significant interaction. The word frequency effect disappeared under the condition of background sound (meaningful speech and meaningless speech). It can be seen that there are also irrelevant speech effects in sentence reading tasks. Irrelevant speech interferes with early lexical recognition and the semantic components of speech play a more important role than acoustic features. On the basis of experiment 1, experiment 2 explores whether the mechanism of irrelevant speech effect in Chinese sentence reading task is process interference or content interference. The experiment was designed with 3 (background sound type: meaningful speech, meaningless speech, meaningless speech) 脳 2 (task type: natural reading, proofreading). Among them, the background sound type is the internal variable, and the task type is the intersubject variable. In experiment 2, significant irrelevant speech effects were also obtained, which showed that both meaningful and meaningless speech reduced the reader's reading comprehension accuracy rate, but only under meaningful speech conditions, the reader's effective reading rate decreased significantly. Moreover, there is a tendency of interaction between background sound type and task type, and there is no significant difference in the influence of different background sounds on reading at school, which indicates that the content similarity of audio-visual materials is the same. The degree of interference of background sounds to reading varies with task, that is, it is regulated by task type. The experimental results support the process interference hypothesis to some extent.


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