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发布时间:2018-05-04 12:06

  本文选题:顿悟 + 表征重组 ; 参考:《心理学报》2017年07期

【摘要】:执行功能是否影响顿悟问题解决,顿悟问题解决中的表征重组阶段是否涉及执行功能仍存在争议。基于此,通过2个研究探讨执行功能对顿悟问题解决的影响。研究1初步探讨执行功能与个体顿悟能力之间的关系,结果发现个体的执行功能与其顿悟问题解决成绩之间存在显著正相关,刷新功能可以显著预测顿悟成绩;研究2使用汉字字谜任务,通过行为与ERPs技术探讨执行功能对言语顿悟问题解决的影响,其中研究2a,行为实验发现高工作记忆刷新能力的个体反应时显著小于低工作记忆刷新能力的个体,说明执行功能中工作记忆刷新亚成分影响顿悟问题解决。研究2b脑电结果发现,"顿悟"条件较之"无顿悟"条件诱发了一个更强的早期成分P2和N2,以及中晚期P3。P2可能主要反映人脑对思维僵局的早期觉察,受到执行功能高低的影响。280~500 ms内,中晚期P3则主要体现以新旧思路交替为特征的僵局打破过程,不受执行功能高低的影响,结果表明汉字字谜顿悟问题的表征重组阶段并未受到执行功能的影响,更倾向认为该阶段为一个突进的过程。综合2个研究说明,执行功能影响顿悟问题解决,其主要作用于顿悟问题解决过程的问题空间搜索阶段,而表征重组阶段是一个突进式的过程。
[Abstract]:Whether the executive function affects the solution of the epiphany problem, and whether the recombination phase of the epiphany is involved in the executive function is still controversial. Based on this, the effect of executive function on problem solving of epiphany is discussed through two studies. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the executive function of the individual and the achievement of problem solving of the epiphany, and the refresh function can significantly predict the achievement of the epiphany; In study 2, using Chinese character puzzles, the effects of executive function on the problem solving of speech epiphany were investigated by behavior and ERPs technology. In study 2a, the behavioral experiment found that the response time of individuals with high working memory refresh ability was significantly lower than that of individuals with low working memory refresh ability, indicating that the sub-component of working memory refresh in executive function affected the solution of epiphany problem. The results of 2b EEG showed that the condition of "epiphany" induced a stronger early components P2 and N2 than the condition of "no epiphany", and that P3.P2 in the middle and late stage might mainly reflect the early detection of the mental deadlock in the human brain. Under the influence of the level of executive function, P3 in the middle and late stages mainly reflects the breaking process of deadlock characterized by the alternation of new and old ideas, and is not affected by the level of executive function. The results show that the recombination stage of Chinese character puzzles epiphany is not affected by executive function, and it tends to be considered as a sudden process. Synthesizing two studies, the executive function affects the problem solving of epiphany, which mainly plays a role in the problem space search stage of the process of solving the problem of epiphany, while the stage of representation reorganization is a sudden process.
【作者单位】: 广州大学教育学院未成年人心理健康与教育神经科学实验室;暨南大学管理学院;广东松山职业技术学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31571144) 广州市教育科学规划面上重点项目(1201421342)资助


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