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发布时间:2018-05-05 14:20

  本文选题:幼儿 + 不完美焦虑 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:不完美焦虑是完美主义的核心概念,指完美主义者在追求完美的过程中所体验到的负性感受。而对完美的偏好和追求又是个体与生俱来的动机,个体在幼儿阶段经历敏感期时表现出的对事物的完整、秩序等方面的需求则是这一体现。幼儿对于不完美所产生焦虑的程度受到抚养者因素的影响。 以往研究证明,抚养方式与被抚养者的完美主义人格的形成与发展存在十分密切的关系;抚养者的人格倾向也通过基因、环境等多重途径对被抚养者的人格发展产生影响。 本研究将中文版简式抚养方式问卷修订为抚养方式自评问卷,并在此基础上采用量表研究法,以北京市海淀区及丰台区的151名抚养者及所抚养幼儿为研究对象,通过相关分析探索了14~56个月幼儿的不完美焦虑与抚养者抚养方式、抚养者人格倾向的关系,并通过对附加数据信息的分析提出了对幼儿不完美焦虑量表的完善建议。主要结论如下: 1.本研究修订完成的抚养方式自评问卷具有较好的信效度,较适用于由抚养者自我评估抚养方式。所形成的量表包含情感温暖、拒绝和过度保护3个维度,共14个项目。本研究的思路为今后涉及抚养方式的幼儿心理研究提供了借鉴。 2.14~56个月的幼儿在不完美焦虑各个维度上的表现与抚养者在抚养方式各个维度的表现均不存在相关关系。 3.抚养者不完美焦虑与幼儿不完整焦虑、幼儿不完美焦虑总分呈显著正相关;幼儿好胜心与抚养者不完美焦虑呈正相关,但相关性较弱;而幼儿的整洁与秩序感及敏感性与抚养者不完美焦虑几乎不存在相关。 4.幼儿在不完整焦虑维度及不完美焦虑总分上与抚养者自恋型人格倾向呈显著正相关关系;抚养者依赖型人格倾向与幼儿不完整焦虑及不完美焦虑总分呈较弱正相关;抚养者强迫型人格倾向与幼儿不完美焦虑总分呈正相关关系;抚养者自恋型、强迫型人格倾向与幼儿好胜心间呈微弱正相关关系;其他各维度间几乎不存在相关关系。 5.从抚养者对幼儿不完美焦虑评估的补充内容可以发现,同样为不完美焦虑行为表现的幼儿要求修好破损物品的反应未能从量表中体现出来。
[Abstract]:Imperfect anxiety is the core concept of perfectionism, which refers to the negative feelings experienced by perfectionists in the process of pursuing perfection. The preference and pursuit of perfection is the innate motivation of the individual, and the demand for the integrity and order of the individual in the sensitive period of early childhood is the embodiment of this. The degree of anxiety about imperfections is influenced by dependency factors. Previous studies have proved that upbringing style is closely related to the formation and development of the dependent's perfectionist personality, and the personality tendency of the dependant also has an effect on the dependent's personality development through many ways, such as genes, environment and so on. In this study, the Chinese version of the simplified style questionnaire was revised as the self-assessment questionnaire, and on this basis, 151 dependents and their children in Haidian District and Fengtai District of Beijing were selected as the subjects. Based on the correlation analysis, this paper explores the relationship between the imperfect anxiety of young children from 14 to 56 months, the upbringing style and the personality tendency of the caregivers, and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the scale through the analysis of the additional data information. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The revised self-assessment questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and is more suitable for self-assessment. The scale consists of 3 dimensions of emotional warmth, rejection and overprotection, with a total of 14 items. The idea of this study provides a reference for the study of infant psychology in the future. There was no correlation between the performance of children of 2.14 ~ 56 months in each dimension of imperfect anxiety and the performance of caregivers in each dimension of rearing style. 3. The total score of infant imperfect anxiety was positively correlated with the incomplete anxiety of the child, and the positive correlation was found between the ideal anxiety of the child and the imperfect anxiety of the child, but the correlation was weak. However, there was almost no relationship between neatness and order sense and sensitivity of infants and the anxiety of caregivers. 4. The total score of incomplete anxiety and imperfect anxiety was positively correlated with the narcissistic personality tendency of the dependent child, and the total score of incomplete anxiety and imperfect anxiety was weakly positive correlated with the dependent personality tendency. There was a positive correlation between the dependent's compulsive personality tendency and the total score of the infant's imperfect anxiety; the dependent's narcissism type, the compulsive personality tendency and the child's triumphant heart had the weak positive correlation; the other dimensions had almost no correlation. 5. It can be found from the supplementary content of the child's incomplete anxiety assessment that the response of the child who also shows the imperfect anxiety behavior to the repair of damaged items can not be reflected in the scale.


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