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发布时间:2018-05-06 01:00

  本文选题:心理授权 + 归因训练 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:销售人员的心理授权程度已经得到业界人员的广泛关注,但是对它的实证研究还为之尚少,因此,,探讨销售人员的归因风格、销售业绩和心理授权水平之间的内在联系就显得尤为必要。 本文采用归因训练的方法对销售人员的心理授权程度进行测前和测后的考量,以某教育培训公司的11名新入职销售人员为被试,对他们进行为期45天的培训,其中由5次干预,干预的方式以团体干预为主。 研究结果发现归因训练可以改变销售人员的心理授权水平,销售人员的心理授权水平经过归因训练之后显著提高;归因训练还可以改变归因风格,经过归因训练之后销售人员的归因风格的负向归因分数显著下降;归因训练可以提高销售人员的销售绩效。具体结论如下: (1)经过独立样本t检验发现,心理授权、归因风格、销售绩效在性别差异上均不显著;学历的不同在心理授权的各个水平和归因风格的不同维度以及销售绩效上不存在显著差异。 (2)采用独立样本t检验分析,结果发现销售人员的工作经验在心理授权、归因风格存在显著差异,在销售绩效上不存在差异显著。 (3)经独立样本t检验得出,心理授权在归因风格上差异显著,且积极归因风格组的心理授权水平高于消极归因风格组的心理资本水平 (4)经前后测单因素方差分析结果发现,在团体归因训练之后,销售人员的心理授权的前后测结果整体上存在显著性差异,其中工作意义、工作影响和自我效能的前后测结果差异显著,而自主性的差异不显著;自我效能的前后测结果差异尤其显著。 (5)对归因风格的前后测数据结果进行单因素方差分析,结果发现归因训练前后归因风格有显著性差异,主要表现在内在和稳定维度,尤其是归因训练前后的CoNeg分数差异显著,同时CPCN在团体归因训练之后也表现出与归因训练之前的显著差异。而一致维度和CoPos得分前后测差异并不显著。 (6)对本教育培训公司参加培训的销售人员的销售绩效进行前后测比较,结果发现到访率前后测差异不显著,报名率前后测差异显著,续费率前后测差异显著。
[Abstract]:The degree of psychological authorization of sales personnel has been widely concerned by industry personnel, but the empirical research on it is still few. Therefore, to explore the attribution style of sales personnel, Sales performance and the level of psychological authorization between the internal relationship is particularly necessary. In this paper, attribution training was used to measure the psychological authorization of sales personnel before and after the test. Eleven newly employed salespeople from an education and training company were selected for 45 days of training, among which 5 interventions were made. The way of intervention is mainly group intervention. The results show that attribution training can change the psychological authorization level of sales personnel, and the psychological authorization level of sales personnel can be significantly improved after attribution training, and attribution training can also change attribution style. After the attribution training, the negative attribution scores of the sales personnel's attribution style decreased significantly, and the attribution training could improve the sales performance of the sales personnel. The specific conclusions are as follows: (1) the independent sample t test found that psychological empowerment, attribution style and sales performance were not significant in gender difference; There are no significant differences in different levels of psychological authorization, different dimensions of attribution style and sales performance. 2) using independent sample t-test, the results show that there are significant differences in psychological empowerment, attribution style, and no significant difference in sales performance. (3) the independent sample t test shows that there is significant difference in attribution style between positive attribution style group and negative attribution style group, and the psychological capital level of positive attribution style group is higher than that of negative attribution style group. 4) the results of ANOVA showed that after group attribution training, there were significant differences in the results of psychological empowerment of salespeople, among which the work significance was significant. There were significant differences in pre-and post-test results of job impact and self-efficacy, but there was no significant difference in autonomy, especially in self-efficacy. 5) univariate analysis of variance was carried out on the data of attribution style before and after attribution training. The results showed that there were significant differences in attribution style before and after attribution training, mainly in the intrinsic and stable dimensions, especially in CoNeg scores before and after attribution training. At the same time, CPCN also showed significant difference after group attribution training and before attribution training. However, there was no significant difference between the consistent dimension and the CoPos score before and after the test. The results show that there is no significant difference in the visit rate, the difference in the registration rate before and after the test, and the difference in the rate before and after the test.


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