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发布时间:2018-05-06 03:11

  本文选题:灵性应对 + 模型建构 ; 参考:《山西医科大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This study consists of four parts. Based on the combination of qualitative and quantitative studies, the spiritual response connotation model is constructed on the basis of religious people, non religious persons, open questionnaires and in-depth interviews with cancer patients. On the basis of the connotation model, the spiritual coping scale is compiled with the content of interviews, and the self compiled spirit is used. In the end, the scale was applied to the group of clinical cancer patients, the reliability and validity of the patients were measured, and the mental coping status of the clinical patients was understood. This study constructed the spiritual coping style through the method of grounded theory, and compiled the methods of expert evaluation, project analysis, factor analysis and so on. The spiritual coping scale, and its reliability and validity, was tested by descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA and other statistical methods to examine the current situation of the mass spiritual response; the scale was used in clinical application to test its reliability and validity and to examine the mental coping status of clinical cancer patients. The conclusions are as follows: (1) four spiritual coping connotation models are formed. Dimensions, respectively: mystical experience, virtue practice, meaning exploration and transcendental mentality. (2) a total of 17 items of "spiritual response scale", which conform to various requirements of psychology, have good reliability and validity. (3) spiritual coping has significant differences in gender, belief, education, age and age. (4) "spiritual coping scale" is applied clinically, The effect is good, and the reliability and validity conform to the statistical standard. There are significant differences in spiritual coping in religious belief, educational level, chemotherapy and the degree of understanding of the disease, and there is no significant difference in sex.



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