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发布时间:2018-05-06 06:41

  本文选题:大学生 + 环保责任心 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The responsibility of environmental protection is a kind of social responsibility to maintain the long-term sustainable utilization of human resources, and the environmental protection behavior is driven by the responsibility. This paper discusses the relationship between environmental protection responsibility and environmental behavior of contemporary college students by means of experiment. A total of three-word study. In the first study, two classes of students from Sichuan normal University were selected and divided into four experimental groups according to the different levels of responsibility for environmental protection. That is A _ 1 (low environmental protection activation group) (high environmental protection activation group) B1 (low environmental protection non-activated group) (high environmental protection not activated group). The experiment design of 2 脳 2 was used to investigate the two aspects, one is whether the different activation state has significant influence on the environmental protection behavior, the other is whether the difference of environmental responsibility level has significant influence on the environmental protection behavior under the situation of activation. In the second study, students in four classes were divided into two groups: group A (41 effective subjects with one intervention), group B (39 effective subjects with 2 interventions), group C (40 effective subjects with 3 interventions), group D (57 effective subjects). Control group. The environmental responsibility of each experimental group was measured before intervention and a week later. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the intervention can improve the environmental responsibility of college students and whether the effect is different. In the third study, the subjects were selected from the three experimental groups, and the environmental protection behavior after one month of intervention was investigated to verify the sustainability of the second intervention. In this study, through three sub-studies, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) in the context of activating environmental responsibility, the environmental behavior of college students can be significantly improved. Environmental responsibility has obvious influence on environmental protection behavior.) Environmental responsibility can be improved by external intervention.) the effect of environmental responsibility on environmental responsibility is not transient and immediate.


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1 杨明刚;潘逸青;汤晨凤;姚一鸣;彭佳;;上海大学生环保意识与行为及传播接受度的现状分析与提升对策[J];中国广告;2012年09期

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1 赵兴奎;大学生社会责任心结构及发展特点[D];西南大学;2007年




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