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发布时间:2018-05-06 22:23

  本文选题:多线索概率推理 + 策略选择 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类头脑中存在着一系列的策略,适用于不同的情境。策略选择是从一系列的策略中选择一个能很好的解决当前问题的过程。本文借助多线索概率推理任务,探讨了在该任务下被试的决策策略如何受到时间压力和情境因素的影响。综合以往的研究,本研究区分了两类任务情境,一类是线索值是双极形式( +/-‖),另一类线索值是多级形式( 1-n‖)。同时借助眼动技术探讨时间压力对决策过程的影响。实验一在线索值是以 +/-‖表示的任务情境下,以55名在校大学生为被试,采用两水平(高/低时间压力)的单因素的实验设计,探讨时间压力对策略选择的影响。实验二在线索值是以 1-4‖表示的任务情境下,以57名在校大学生为被试,采用两水平(高/低时间压力)的单因素的实验设计,探讨时间压力对策略选择的影响。实验三是在实验2的基础上,以60名在校大学生为被试,采用两水平(高/低时间压力)的单因素的实验设计并借助眼动技术,探讨时间压力对决策过程的影响。通过分析数据本研究得出以下结论:(1)在线索值是“+/-”的任务情景下,低时间压力下多数被试使用WADD策略,高时间压力多数使用的是EQW策略或者WADD策略,时间压力并没有导致补偿性策略向非补偿性策略的偏移。(2)在线索值是“1-4”的任务情景下,低时间压力下多数被试使用了WADD策略或者EQW策略,高时间压力下多数被试使用了TTB策略,时间压力导致了明显的策略偏移,从补偿性策略向非补偿性策略偏移。(3)被试在信息搜索过程中,在对线索值关注上,低时间压力下的注视点时长和注视点个数都显著高于高时间压力下的,但高低时间压力下对重要信息的的关注度基本一致。上述结果说明,人们选择不同的策略是依赖于决策情境的,认知过程是依赖于环境特征的。
[Abstract]:There are a series of strategies in the human mind that apply to different situations. Strategy selection is the process of choosing a good solution to the current problem from a series of strategies. With the help of the multi-clue probability reasoning task, this paper discusses how the decision strategy of the subjects under the task is influenced by time pressure and situational factors. Synthesizing previous studies, this study distinguishes two kinds of task situations, one is that the cue-value is a bipolar form, and the other is a multi-level form. At the same time, the influence of time pressure on decision-making process is discussed with eye movement technique. In the first experiment, 55 college students were chosen as subjects under the situation that the clue value was expressed as a task, and two levels (high / low time pressure) of single factor were used to study the influence of time pressure on the choice of strategy. In the second experiment, 57 college students were selected as subjects under the situation that the cues were expressed as "1-4", and the two levels (high / low time pressure) single factor experiment was used to explore the influence of time pressure on strategy selection. On the basis of experiment 2, 60 college students were chosen as subjects, and two levels (high / low time pressure) single factor experiment design was used to explore the influence of time pressure on decision-making process with the help of eye movement technique. By analyzing the data of this study, we draw the following conclusion: in the case of a task with a clue value of "r -", most of the subjects under low time pressure use WADD strategy, and most of the high time pressure use EQW strategy or WADD strategy. Time stress did not result in the offset between compensatory strategy and non-compensatory strategy. In the case of "1-4", most of the subjects used WADD or EQW strategy under low time pressure. Most of the subjects used TTB strategy under high time pressure, and time pressure resulted in obvious policy shift, from compensatory strategy to non-compensatory strategy shift. The length of fixation point and the number of fixation points under low time pressure are significantly higher than those under high time pressure, but the attention to important information is basically the same under high and low time pressure. These results suggest that people choose different strategies depending on the decision context and cognitive processes depend on the environmental characteristics.


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