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发布时间:2018-05-08 06:04

  本文选题:类别归纳 + 前提典型性效应 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:归纳推理(induction or inductive reasoning)是一种高级的思维形式,是从具体事件或事实推论到一般事件或事实的过程。类别信息在类别归纳推理中扮演着关键的角色,以词语类别为基础的归纳推理称之为类别归纳推理(category-based induction)。典型性(typicality)是指某个具体类别在其所属上位类别中的代表程度,代表程度越高说明其在该类别中越典型。典型成员相比同类别下不典型成员在信息加工过程中具有更多的加工优势,这种现象被称作典型性效应(typicality effect)。研究共设计了3个子研究,采用词语型类别归纳推理任务,运用事件相关电位技术(ERPs)依次测量了类别归纳推理中结论典型性效应与前提典型性效应的ERP反应。研究一测量了类别归纳推理中,当前提和结论均为具体水平词语时,结论典型性效应在结论的类别阶段和属性阶段的ERP特征。研究的行为结果显示,当结论属性与前提属性相同时,典型结论的反应时显著短于不典型结论的反应时,且典型结论的“是”反应率显著高于不典型结论的“是”反应率。研究的ERP结果表明,在结论的类别阶段,典型结论条件比不典型条件诱发了更大的P2波幅和更小的N400波幅;在结论的属性阶段,当结论的属性与前提的属性相同时,典型结论条件诱发了显著大于不典型结论条件的P3b波幅。研究二在研究一的基础上,进一步探索了当前提和结论均为具体水平词语时,类别归纳推理中的前提典型性效应分别在结论的类别和属性阶段的ERP特征。行为结果发现,当结论属性与前提属性相同时,由典型前提推断具体结论成立的反应时显著短于由不典型前提推断具体结论成立的反应时,且前者的“是”反应率显著高于后者的“是”反应率。同时,ERP研究显示,在结论的类别阶段,典型前提后的具体结论类别比不典型前提后的具体结论类别诱发了更大的P2波幅和更小的N400波幅;在结论的属性阶段,当结论的属性与前提的属性相同时,典型前提后的结论属性诱发的P3b波幅显著大于不典型前提后的结论属性诱发的P3b波幅。研究三在研究一和研究二的基础上进一步拓展,探索了类别归纳推理中,当前提为具体水平词语、结论为一般水平词语时,前提典型性效应在结论的类别阶段和属性阶段的ERP特征。行为结果显示,当结论属性与前提属性相同时,由典型前提推断一般结论成立的反应时显著短于由不典型前提推断一般结论成立的反应时,且前者的“是”反应率显著高于后者的“是”反应率。同时,研究的ERP结果发现,在结论的类别阶段,典型前提诱发了比不典型前提更小的N400波幅;在结论的属性阶段,当结论的属性与前提的属性相同时,典型前提后的结论属性诱发的P3b波幅显著大于不典型前提后的结论属性诱发的P3b波幅。3个研究的结果一致表明,在类别归纳推理任务中:(1)在结论类别阶段,典型条件诱发的N400波幅显著小于不典型条件诱发的N400波幅,反映了不典型条件比典型条件在进行语义整合时需要更多的认知努力;(2)在结论的属性阶段,当结论的属性与前提的属性相同时,典型条件诱发的P3b波幅显著大于不典型条件诱发的P3b波幅,反映了典型条件比不典型条件具有更大的推理预期满意程度。根据这些结果可知,当类别归纳推理条件可以接受时,N400成分和P3b成分可以分别在结论的类别阶段和属性阶段标示类别归纳推理中存在的典型性效应。
[Abstract]:Induction or inductive reasoning is a kind of advanced thinking form, which is the process of inference from specific events or facts to general events or facts. Category information plays a key role in category inductive reasoning, and inductive reasoning based on word category is called category inductive reasoning (category-based induction). Typicality refers to the degree of representation of a specific category in the upper class. The higher the representation is, the more typical it is in the category. The typical member has more processing advantages in the process of information processing compared with the untypical members of the same category, which is called the typicality effect. 3 sub studies were designed, using word type inductive reasoning task, and using event related potential technique (ERPs) to measure the ERP reaction of the typical effect and the precondition effect in the category inductive reasoning. The results of the study show that the response of the typical conclusion is significantly shorter than that of the untypical conclusion when the conclusion attributes are with the precondition attributes, and the "yes" response rate of the typical conclusion is significantly higher than the "yes" rate of the untypical conclusion. The ERP results of the study show that the results of the study show that the response rate of the typical conclusion is significantly higher than that of the atypical conclusion. In the category stage of the conclusion, the typical conclusion conditions induce greater P2 amplitude and smaller N400 amplitude than untypical conditions; in the attribute stage of the conclusion, when the attribute of the conclusion and the precondition attribute, the typical conclusion condition induces the P3b amplitude which is significantly larger than the untypical conclusion condition. Study two is based on the first research. This paper explores the ERP characteristics of the precondition effects in category and attribute stages of category inductive reasoning when the current and conclusion are all specific level words, and the results show that when the conclusion attribute is simultaneously with the precondition attribute, the response of the specific conclusion from the typical premise is significantly shorter than that from the untypical premise. At the same time, the ERP study showed that in the category stage of the conclusion, the specific type of conclusion after the typical premise was larger than the specific category after the untypical premise. The larger amplitude of P2 and the smaller N400 wave amplitude were induced, and the attribute order of the conclusion was in the conclusion. At the same time, when the attribute of the conclusion is at the same time, the P3b amplitude induced by the conclusion attribute after the typical premise is significantly greater than the P3b amplitude induced by the conclusion attribute after the untypical premise. Study three further expands the study on the basis of the study one and the study two, and explores the specific level words, and the conclusion is a conclusion in the category induction reasoning. The results show that when the conclusion attribute is at the same time with the precondition attribute, the response of the general conclusion from the typical premise is significantly shorter than that of the general conclusion from the untypical premise, and the "yes" reaction rate of the former is "the" reaction rate of the former. At the same time, the ERP results of the study found that in the category stage of the conclusion, the typical precondition induces a N400 amplitude that is smaller than the untypical premise; in the attribute stage of the conclusion, when the attribute of the conclusion and the premise attribute is simultaneously, the P3b wave amplitude induced by the conclusion attribute after the typical premise is significantly greater than that of the untypical precondition. The results of the P3b amplitude.3 study induced by the conclusion of the conclusion indicate that in the category inductive reasoning task: (1) the N400 wave amplitude induced by typical conditions is significantly less than the N400 amplitude induced by the atypical condition in the category stage, which reflects that the atypical conditions require more cognitive efforts than the typical items in semantic integration; (2 In the attribute phase of the conclusion, the P3b amplitude induced by the typical condition is significantly greater than the P3b amplitude induced by the atypical condition when the attribute of the conclusion is at the same time, and the typical condition has a greater expected satisfaction degree than the untypical condition. According to these results, it can be found that when the category inductive reasoning conditions are acceptable, N400 Composition and P3b components can mark the typical effects of category inductive reasoning at the stage and attribute stage of conclusion respectively.



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