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发布时间:2018-05-08 22:09

  本文选题:听觉kappa效应 + 时距知觉 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:听觉音高的差异会影响时间知觉,称为听觉音高kappa效应。当两个听觉刺激间音高差距越大,个体知觉到的两个听觉刺激间时间间隔也越大;反之当两听觉刺激间音高差距越小,个体知觉到的两听觉刺激间时间间隔也就越小。目前用于解释听觉音高kappa效应的是恒定速度模型(Constant velocity model),其认为个体知觉到的时间是由两个刺激相继呈现的客观时间间隔和个体心理对该阶段的预期时间的加权平均值,其中预期时间等于刺激间空间距离与个体对物体以某一恒定速度运动的估计速度的比值。但这一模型并未考虑客观时距是如何转换为心理时间,也无法说明如何确定加权系数。贝叶斯行为模型为以上问题提供了理想的解决途径。以前的研究,采用贝叶斯模型对恒定速度模型进行了重新的解释。本研究认为物理时间转化为心理时间符合韦伯费希纳定律(Weber-Fechner law),即物理时间按照对数函数转为为心理时间,故研究将费希纳定律与经典贝叶斯模型进行整合,设计实验来检验线性的经典模型与对数的改进模型对听觉音高kappa效应解释度。实验1中采用两个短纯音刺激呈现空时距的形式考察个体是否会由于听觉刺激音高差异发生时间知觉扭曲,实验选用时距比较范式(temporal comparison paradigm),通过操纵界定标准时距的听觉刺激音高差异和比较时距的长短,要求被试比较两个时距的长短。实验结果显示,在听觉刺激间无音高差异时,被试在两种标准时距下均出现高估。而在同一标准时距下,随着界定时距的听觉刺激间音高差异的增大,被试倾向于将标准时距知觉为更长。这表明,在实验1采用范式下产生了听觉音高kappa效应。实验2采用与实验1相同的实验范式,选取了更大范围的听觉刺激音高差异水平进行实验,检验当音高差异逐渐增大时被试知觉到的时距长短如何变化。同时收集数据以进行模型拟合和模型检验,验证本研究中两个恒定速度贝叶斯模型(线性模型和对数模型)哪一个能够更好的解释听觉音高kappa效应。实验2结果显示,随着听觉刺激间音高差异逐渐增大到一定程度,被试知觉到的时距长短不再随音高差异的增大而线性增加。这表明在听觉音高kappa效应中,物理时间转换为心理时间的过程是遵循韦伯-费希纳定律进行对数转化的。恒定速度贝叶斯对数模型能够更好地解释和预测个体在听觉音高kappa效应中的行为反应。
[Abstract]:The difference in auditory pitch affects time perception, known as the auditory pitch kappa effect. The greater the pitch gap between the two auditory stimuli, the greater the interval between the two auditory stimuli, and the smaller the interval between the two auditory stimuli is, the smaller the pitch gap between the two auditory stimuli is. At present, the constant velocity model and constant velocity model are used to explain the auditory pitch kappa effect, which holds that the time of individual perception is the weighted average of the expected time of this stage by the objective time interval presented by the two stimuli and the individual psychology. The expected time is equal to the ratio of the spatial distance between the stimuli and the estimated velocity of the individual moving at a certain constant velocity. However, this model does not consider how the objective time interval is converted into psychological time, nor can it explain how to determine the weighting coefficient. Bayesian behavior model provides an ideal solution to these problems. In previous studies, Bayesian model was used to reinterpret the constant velocity model. This study considers that the conversion of physical time to psychological time conforms to Weber-Fechner law Weber-Fechner law, that is, physical time is converted into psychological time according to logarithmic function, so the study integrates Fischner's law with classical Bayesian model. Experiments were designed to test the interpretation of the classical linear model and the logarithmic improved model for the kappa effect of auditory pitch. In experiment 1, two short pure tone stimuli were used to investigate whether time perception distortion occurred due to auditory stimulation pitch difference. The temporal comparison paradigm was used to determine the difference of auditory stimulus pitch and the length of comparison time interval by manipulating the standard time interval. The subjects were asked to compare the length of the two time intervals. The results showed that when there was no difference in pitch between auditory stimuli, the subjects were overestimated under the two standard time intervals. Under the same standard time interval, with the increase of the pitch difference between auditory stimuli, the participants tend to perceive the standard time interval to be longer. This indicates that the auditory pitch kappa effect is produced in experiment 1 using the paradigm. Experiment 2 adopted the same experimental paradigm as experiment 1, and selected a larger range of auditory stimulation pitch differences to test how the duration of perception changed when the pitch difference gradually increased. At the same time, the data were collected for model fitting and model checking to verify which of the two constant velocity Bayesian models (linear model and logarithmic model) can better explain the auditory pitch kappa effect. The results of experiment 2 showed that, as the pitch difference between auditory stimuli gradually increased to a certain extent, the duration of perceived pitch was no longer linearly increased with the increase of pitch difference. This indicates that in the kappa effect of auditory pitch, the process of converting physical time to psychological time follows Weber-Fischner 's law for logarithmic transformation. The Bayesian logarithmic model of constant velocity can better explain and predict the behavioral response of individuals in the auditory pitch kappa effect.


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7 虞e,




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