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发布时间:2018-05-09 09:22

  本文选题:多目标追踪 + 注意 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:个体在注意并追踪客体时所采用的线索一直是注意与视觉追踪领域研究的焦点。通过操作任务线索特征,了解个体对追踪线索的加工与利用,并利用特殊专业背景人群和普通大学生的差异研究线索加工的特异性。本研究以多目标追踪任务为基本任务,研究共设置了2个子研究共3个实验。 研究一:讨论线索颜色一致与不一致时个体多目标追踪成绩的差异,了解线索的加工程度及受干扰的程度。采用2×2混合设计,以追踪个数为因变量,以实验参与者人群特征(篮球运动员10名,普通大学生10名)为组间变量,任务类型(同色任务,异色任务)为组内变量,进行混合重复测量方差分析。结果:1)任务类型主效应显著,同色目标追踪任务成绩显著优于混色任务的成绩;2)实验参与者类型主效应显著,篮球运动员成绩均显著低于普通大学生;3)任务类型与实验参与者类型交互作用不显著。结果证明了线索增加妨碍了追踪任务的完成。 研究二实验一:讨论线索颜色变换对多目标追踪成绩的影响,了解个体对线索颜色的加工。采用2×2混合设计,以追踪个数为因变量,以实验参与者人群特征(篮球运动员10名,普通大学生10名)为组间变量,任务类型(换色任务,不换色任务)为组内变量,进行混合重复测量方差分析。结果:1)任务类型主效应显著,全部变色任务的成绩显著低于全部不换色任务;2)实验参与者类型主效应显著篮球运动员显著低于普通大学生;3)任务类型与实验参与者类型交互作用显著。结果表明,变化线索对多目标追踪任务的完成效果有显著影响,篮球运动员对特征加工更深。 研究二实验二:讨论线索形状变换对个体多目标追踪成绩的影响,了解个体对线索形状的加工程度。采用2×2混合设计,以成功追踪个数为因变量,以实验参与者人群特征(篮球运动员10名,普通大学生10名)为组间变量,任务类型(换形任务,不换形任务)为组内变量,进行混合重复测量方差分析。结果:1)任务类型主效应显著,全部换形任务显著低于全部不换形任务;2)实验参与者类型主效应显著,篮球运动员显著低于普通大学生;3)任务类型与实验参与者类型交互作用不显著。结果表明,线索变化在形状特征上依然影响个体的线索加工,篮球运动员特征定向明显。结论:客体特征加工的特征捆绑在线索阶段就已经完成,具有特征定向性;个体对形状和颜色的加工优先于位置加工;篮球运动员的加工更具有特征性,且自动化的特征明显。
[Abstract]:The clues used by individuals in the field of attention and visual tracking have always been the focus of research in the field of attention and visual tracking. Through the characteristics of operational task clues, we can understand the processing and utilization of tracing clues by individuals, and study the specificity of clue processing by using the differences between people with special professional background and ordinary college students. In this study, two substudies were set up and three experiments were conducted based on the multi-target tracking task. Research 1: discuss the difference of individual multi-target tracking achievement when the color of clue is consistent and inconsistent, and understand the processing degree of clue and the degree of interference. A 2 脳 2 hybrid design was used. The number of tracks was taken as dependent variable, the crowd characteristics of participants (10 basketball players and 10 ordinary college students) as inter-group variables, and task types (same color task, heterogeneous task) as intra-group variables. The variance analysis of mixed repeated measurement was carried out. Results (1) the main effect of task type was significant, and the score of homochromatic target tracking task was significantly better than that of mixed task. The results of basketball players were significantly lower than that of college students (3) the interaction between task types and experimental participants was not significant. The results show that the increase in clues hinders the completion of the tracking task. Research 2 experiment 1: discuss the effect of cue-color transformation on multi-target tracking achievement and understand individual processing of cue-color. A 2 脳 2 mixed design was used. The number of track was taken as dependent variable, the crowd characteristics of participants (10 basketball players and 10 ordinary college students) as inter-group variables, and the task type (changing color task, not changing color task) as the intra-group variable. The variance analysis of mixed repeated measurement was carried out. Results: 1) the main effect of task type was significant, The scores of all discoloration tasks were significantly lower than that of all non-color changing tasks. (2) the main effect of experimental participants was significantly lower than that of ordinary college students (3) the interaction between task types and experimental participants was significant. The results showed that the change cues had a significant effect on the completion of multi-target tracking tasks, and the basketball players had deeper processing of the characteristics. The second experiment is to discuss the effect of the shape transformation of cues on the achievement of multi-target tracking, and to understand the degree of processing of the shape of clues. A 2 脳 2 hybrid design was adopted. The number of successful tracking was taken as dependent variable, the crowd characteristics of participants (10 basketball players and 10 ordinary college students) as inter-group variables, and the task type (transmutation task, non-swapping task) as the intra-group variable. The variance analysis of mixed repeated measurement was carried out. Results: (1) the main effect of task type was significant, and that of all transposition tasks was significantly lower than that of all non-swapping tasks. The interaction between the type of task and the type of experimental participants was significantly lower than that of college students. The results showed that the change of cues still affected the processing of individual cues, and the characteristic orientation of basketball players was obvious. Conclusion: the feature binding of object feature processing has been completed in the clue stage and has the characteristic orientation; the individual processing of shape and color takes precedence over the position processing; the basketball player processing is more characteristic and the automation characteristic is obvious.


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