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发布时间:2018-05-09 09:37

  本文选题:社交焦虑 + 正性面孔 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:社交焦虑,是指在与他人交流、公开演讲或被关注时表现出持续的害怕情绪。社交焦虑者的一个重要特点是害怕负性评价,大量研究已经证实了其对威胁信息和负性评价的显著注意偏向(负性注意偏向),至于其对友善信息和正性评价的注意偏向(正性注意偏向),则少有研究。本文在前人的研究基础上,考察了社交焦虑者对正性表情面孔的注意偏向,提出了一个理论模型试图对这种注意偏向的心理机制进行探究,并且通过实验研究对之进行初步检验。 本研究的被试为60名大学生,实验材料为罗跃嘉等人编制的中国人表情面孔图库。研究包括两个实验。实验一采用2(被试类型:高、低社交焦虑组)×2(探测点位置:与正性表情面孔同侧、与正性表情面孔异侧)×2(刺激呈现时间:100ms、500ms)的混合实验设计,考察社交焦虑者对正性表情面孔的注意偏向。实验二采用2(被试类型:高、低社交焦虑组)×2(探测点位置:与竞争性词语同侧、与竞争性词语异侧)的混合实验设计,考察社交焦虑个体在正性表情面孔呈现后的竞争焦虑水平和负性评价预期。 研究得出三个主要结论:(1)刺激呈现时间会影响高社交焦虑个体对正性表情的注意偏向,在相对较短的时间内(100ms)他们表现出对正性表情面孔的注意警觉和易脱离,而在更长的呈现时间条件下(500ms)则表现出回避倾向;(2)高社交焦虑个体在正性图片刺激后,对竞争的焦虑水平会变高;(3)高社交焦虑个体在正性图片刺激后,负性评价恐惧水平会变高。
[Abstract]:Social anxiety is a constant fear of communicating with others, speaking in public or being noticed. An important feature of social anxiety is the fear of negative evaluation, A large number of studies have confirmed their significant attention bias (negative attention bias) to threat information and negative evaluation, but few studies have been made on the attention bias (positive attention bias) of friendly information and positive evaluation. On the basis of previous studies, this paper examines the attention bias of social anxiety to positive facial expressions, and proposes a theoretical model to explore the psychological mechanism of this attention bias. And through the experimental study to carry on the preliminary examination. The subjects of this study were 60 college students. The experimental materials were a Chinese facial expression picture library compiled by Luo Yuega et al. The study consists of two experiments. In experiment 1, a mixed design of 2 (high and low social anxiety groups) 脳 2 (detection point: same side with positive expression face, and different side with positive expression face) 脳 2 (stimulation time: 100ms / 500ms) was used. To investigate the attention bias of social anxiety to positive facial expressions. The second experiment was designed as a mixed experiment of 2 (type of subjects: high and low social anxiety groups) 脳 2 (location of detection point: same side with competitive words, and different sides of competitive words). To investigate the level of competitive anxiety and negative evaluation expectation of social anxiety individuals after positive facial expression. Three main conclusions were drawn: (1) the time of presentation of stimuli affected the attention bias of individuals with high social anxiety to positive facial expressions, and in a relatively short period of time, they showed attention alert and easy to detach from positive facial expressions. However, under the longer presentation time, the individuals with high social anxiety showed a tendency of avoidance. After the positive picture stimulation, the anxiety level of the individuals with high social anxiety increased after the positive picture stimulation, and the anxiety level of the individuals with high social anxiety increased after the positive picture stimulation. Negative assessment of fear levels increases.


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