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发布时间:2018-05-09 10:23

  本文选题:异族效应 + 特征加工 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:面孔识别中的异族效应已经越来越受到研究者的关注,,已有的研究虽然在异族效应存在的稳定性方面取得较为一致的结论,但是对于其加工方式的研究仍然没有形成较为一致的结论。本研究采用三个不同种族(非洲、欧洲、亚洲)的面孔作为刺激材料以取代以往研究中只用两个种族作为刺激材料,从而探讨被试对这三个种族面孔的加工方式及其神经机制是否存在差异。 实验一采用完全合成面孔范式对不同种族面孔的再认情况进行了比较,并对各种族间的加工方式进行了初步探讨。之所以采用完全合成面孔范式是因为该范式不仅能够避免被试产生反应偏向,而且被试在完全合成面孔范式上的表现同被试面孔再认能力有着紧密的联系。实验结果发现:被试对于本族面孔表现出了稳定的异族效应,这表明被试对于本族面孔可能更多地采用构型编码的加工方式,而对于异族面孔则可能更多地采用特征编码的加工方式。 实验二采用种族辨别任务,要求被试对正立和倒置条件下面孔的种族进行判断,并对其脑电情况进行记录,从而深入地探究被试对于三个不同种族面孔的加工方式及其神经机制。实验结果发现:被试对本族正立面孔的N170波幅最小,同时对三个种族的倒置面孔都表现出明显的倒置效应,并且表现出对本族面孔比异族面孔更大的倒置效应;被试对三个种族面孔的N170成分均表现出显著的右半球优势。这说明被试在对不同种族的面孔进行加工时,虽然均存在一定程度的构型加工,但是被试对本族面孔更多地采用构型编码的加工方式,而对异族面孔则更多地采用特征编码的加工方式。 本研究结果符合知觉经验理论对于异族效应的解释,也就是说,对于本族和异族面孔的不同经验会影响个体对于面孔的编码方式。我们还发现,亚洲被试在对异族面孔进行编码时,有不同于欧洲被试之处,即亚洲被试在加工异族面孔时,也会有一定程度的构型加工参与其中,同时,我们也不能忽略视觉经验对于个体异族效应的影响。本研究还将黑人面孔加入到实验材料中,从而在以往理论的基础上进行了扩展。总而言之,个体间存在稳定的异族效应,而且个体对于本族面孔更多地采用构型编码的加工方式,而对于异族面孔则更多地采用特征编码的加工方式。
[Abstract]:The heterogeneous effects in face recognition have been paid more and more attention by researchers. Although the existing studies have reached a consistent conclusion on the stability of the existence of alien effects, However, the study of its processing methods has not reached a more consistent conclusion. In this study, faces of three different races (Africa, Europe, Asia) were used as stimuli instead of only two races in previous studies. Therefore, to explore whether there are differences in the processing patterns and neural mechanisms of the three racial faces. In experiment 1, the recognition of different racial faces was compared by using the complete synthetic face paradigm, and the processing methods among different races were preliminarily discussed. The reason for adopting the completely synthetic face paradigm is that it can not only avoid the reaction bias of the subjects, but also have a close relationship with the recognition ability of the participants. The results showed that the subjects showed stable alien effect on their own faces, which indicated that the subjects may adopt the configuration coding processing method for their faces more frequently. For other faces, feature coding is more likely to be used. In the second experiment, the race discrimination task was used. The subjects were asked to judge the race of the faces under orthostatic and inverted conditions, and recorded their EEG. In order to explore the processing of three different ethnic faces and their neural mechanism. The results showed that: the N170 amplitude of the positive faces of the subjects was the smallest, and the inverted faces of the three ethnic groups showed obvious inversion effect, and the inverted effect on the faces of their own race was greater than that of the faces of the other race; The subjects showed significant right hemispheric dominance over the N170 component of the three ethnic faces. This shows that, although there is a certain degree of configuration processing in the processing of faces of different ethnic groups, the processing methods of configuration coding are used more frequently for the faces of different ethnic groups. On the other hand, the processing method of feature coding is used more frequently for foreign faces. The results of this study are consistent with the explanation of alien effects in perceptual empirical theory, that is to say, different experiences for native and alien faces may affect the coding patterns of faces. We also find that the Asian subjects are different from the European subjects in coding the alien faces, that is, when the Asian subjects are processing the alien faces, they will also have a certain degree of configuration processing involved, and at the same time, Nor can we ignore the influence of visual experience on individual alien effects. In this study, black faces were added to the experimental materials and expanded on the basis of previous theories. In a word, there is a stable alien effect among individuals, and the processing method of configuration coding is used more for the face of the individual, and the processing method of the feature coding is used more for the face of the different race.


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