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发布时间:2018-05-10 19:04

  本文选题:人格测验 + 自我报告 ; 参考:《第四军医大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Since the birth of psychometrics, self reporting has been one of the most enduring research methods. Self reporting has the advantages of simple explanation, rich information, motivation, cause and effect, and strong operability. It has been recognized as the best method of personality measurement. However, in recent years, with the change of measurement demand and measurement. There are some difficult challenges for self reporting, such as the accuracy of self perception, the motivation control of self reporting, the effectiveness of measuring tools, and so on. These issues have gradually led to the bottleneck of the international personnel psychological selection technology. Therefore, the integration of multimodal physiological, psychological and behavioral indicators is proposed. The accuracy of individual personality identification is one of the most important breakthroughs in the study of future psychometrics. However, the empirical research on the objective measurement method of personality is still insufficient and there is a lack of personality markers in the cognitive processing or micro behavior level. In order to solve the above problems, this research has merged the newly developed self connection technology. And line of sight tracking technology, through five empirical studies, the application of psychological test multi quality fusion technology in the study of personality and perception is systematically discussed. Self perception or idealized self delusion provides an operational measurement for the self enhancement effect of personality perception. The results show that self reporting reflects the true self in the three dimensions of introversion, due diligence and openness, and self reporting reflects the ideal self on the two dimensions of agreeableness and neuroticism. The results show that the accuracy of individual self perception is different in different personality dimensions, and the self perception of personality has a certain degree of self enhancement. Study two use a behavioral experiment, use the self connection learning task and the self rating five person scale, to explore the relationship between the amplitude of self bias effect and the personality traits, and try to find out the relationship between the self bias effect and the personality traits. The results show that the greater the degree of individual introversion, or the lower the due diligence, the greater the self bias effect. The result shows that the amplitude of the self bias effect is closely related to the individual differences in personality, and is easy to be perceived by self and others. The personality dimension of the feedback is particularly evident. In study three, the study used two behavioral experiments, taking the cognitive ability closely related to military performance, time perception as an example, using self connection learning task and time duplication task to investigate the role of self bias effect on time perception. The time perception, the time expansion effect caused by the compression movement, makes the subjective time more stable and more accurate. At the same time, the greater the amplitude of the self superiority, the stronger the time perception of the objects under the state of rest and movement. The result shows that the self connection can regulate the time illusion caused by the movement. Study four uses an eye movement experiment with the army. The cognitive ability closely related to the performance - spatial perception, as an example, uses self connection technology and line of sight tracking techniques to investigate the regulation of self bias effect on smooth eye tracking. The results show that self connection can promote the smooth eye tracking performance of depressed individuals, and this effect is especially on the target of fast movement. The results showed that self connection could regulate the loss of sight tracking in individuals with depression. Study five using an eye movement experiment, on the basis of a self reporting personality test, the eye tracking technique was used to examine the eye movement characteristics during the response process of the personality test. Results showed that the items of the mental disorder were compared with the control group. The reaction process is more complex, showing more gaze and more frequent saccades. At the same time, the sensitivity of mental disorder individuals to "I" is lower than that in the control group. The results show that the individual in the mental disorder shows special eye movement characteristics in the personality test, the eye movement index improves the accuracy of personality identification. The five studies, including six experiments, through self reporting, self connection and eye tracking multi quality fusion technology, examined self perception, time perception, space perception and human test response processing from three aspects of subjective introspection, perceptual processing and eye movement, respectively. Connection technology can be used as an objective method of personality measurement, promoting time and space perception related to military tasks, and affecting the eye movement characteristics of personality test reaction processing. It can be seen from this, psychological test multiquality fusion technology can be used to collect multidimensional data, integrate multimodal results and implement multi-scale correlation analysis. At the end of the paper, we can judge the result objectively and accurately.





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