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发布时间:2018-05-11 02:23

  本文选题:彩色 + 道德判断 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在人们的日常生活中,道德判断道德选择无处不在,对道德问题的研究是现今研究热点之一。随着具身认知理论的不断发展,在道德领域,研究者们也开始关注身体感知觉对于道德认知的影响。已有研究证明了黑白颜色与道德概念之间存在隐喻联结,即"白好黑坏"。但是,以往对于颜色影响道德的研究大多集中在黑白两个颜色,缺乏对彩色的影响作用的探讨,且以往实验中大多以行为实验为主,没有从神经认知角度考察颜色影响道德的机制。因此,本研究试图考察彩色在道德认知中的作用,并探索其神经机制。本研究由三个实验组成,实验一和实验二在行为层面考察彩色对道德认知加工的影响,其中实验一采用道德Stroop范式考察彩色对于道德词语判断的影响,实验二选取了经典的道德两难故事,在较为复杂的情境中,探讨彩色对于道德判断的影响。实验三在神经机制层面,采用Stroop范式,结合事件相关电位技术(eventrelatedpotential,ERP)考察彩色影响道德词语判断的时间进程和神经机制。研究结果表明:(1)在行为层面,彩色会影响个体对道德词语的判断,绿色与道德概念具有隐喻联结;但在复杂情境中,彩色对道德认知的影响不显著。(2)彩色对于道德词语加工的影响涉及三个加工阶段:首先,在以P200成分为代表的早期注意加工阶段,彩色与道德概念并行加工;其次,在以N300为代表的知觉语义加工阶段,不同颜色在语义整合中会产生不同的影响作用,人们会花费更多的时间整合绿色的隐喻信息和不道德词语;在以LPC(Late positive component,LPC)为代表的晚期道德推理评估加工阶段,颜色对于道德概念加工的影响仍旧存在。本研究考察了颜色对于道德认知的影响作用,弥补了传统研究中关于彩色与道德研究的空缺,同时,也从神经机制的层面探讨了颜色与道德概念隐喻联结的问题,是对传统道德研究及颜色影响认知加工领域较好的补充,也能为今后在一些场景布置设计中(如法庭)提供实践指导。
[Abstract]:In people's daily life, moral judgment and moral choice are everywhere. With the development of the theory of physical cognition, researchers begin to pay attention to the influence of body perception on moral cognition in the field of morality. Studies have shown that there is a metaphorical link between black and white color and moral concepts, that is, "white is good and black is bad". However, in the past, most of the researches on color influence morality focused on black and white, lacking of discussion on the effect of color, and most of the previous experiments focused on behavior experiments. There is no mechanism by which color affects morality from a neurocognitive perspective. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the role of color in moral cognition and explore its neural mechanism. This study consists of three experiments. Experiments 1 and 2 examine the influence of color on moral cognitive processing at the behavioral level. Experiment 1 uses moral Stroop paradigm to examine the influence of color on moral word judgment. In the second experiment, the classical moral dilemma is selected, and the influence of color on moral judgment is discussed in more complex situations. At the level of neural mechanism, experiment 3 uses Stroop paradigm and event-related potentialpotential potential (ERP) to investigate the time course and neural mechanism of color influencing the judgment of moral words. The results show that at the behavioral level, color affects the individual's judgment of moral words. Green has a metaphorical connection with moral concepts, but in complex situations, The influence of color on moral cognition is not significant. (2) the influence of color on the processing of moral words involves three processing stages: first, in the early attention processing stage represented by P200, color and moral concepts are processed in parallel; secondly, In the stage of perceptual semantic processing represented by N300, different colors will have different effects on semantic integration, and people will spend more time integrating green metaphorical information and immoral words. In the late stage of moral reasoning evaluation, represented by LPC(Late positive component, the influence of color on moral concept processing still exists. This study examines the influence of color on moral cognition, and makes up for the gap in traditional studies on color and morality. At the same time, it also discusses the connection between color and metaphor of moral concept from the level of neural mechanism. It is a good supplement to the traditional moral research and color influence cognitive processing field, and can also provide practical guidance in some scene layout design (such as the court) in the future.


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