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发布时间:2018-05-15 21:41

  本文选题:情绪认知评估 + 内隐和外显自尊的联结 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:So far, there has been a lot of research on the effects of emotion on implicit and explicit attitudes. The implicit or explicit attitude of the subjects was measured as the baseline level, then an emotion was induced, and then the implicit or explicit attitude was measured again to compare the effects of emotion on the implicit or explicit attitude. Some researchers have also studied the influence of emotion on the relationship between implicit attitude and explicit attitude, but it is considered from the value of emotion. The results show that positive emotion can strengthen the association of implicit or explicit attitude, but negative emotion will weaken this connection. But Huntsinger found that anger had the same effect as happiness. In this study, the influence of emotion on the association of implicit and explicit attitudes was studied from the perspective of emotional cognitive evaluation, and the influence of emotion on the association of implicit and explicit self-esteem was studied. According to Huntsinger's experimental paradigm, implicit self-esteem was measured first, then emotion was induced, then explicit self-esteem was measured and emotional evoked effect was tested. The purpose of experiment one is to verify the results of previous studies. Happiness can increase the association between implicit and explicit self-esteem, while anger can reduce the association between implicit and explicit self-esteem. On top of the results of this experiment, experiment 2 was conducted to examine the effects of different positive emotions (happiness, surprise) on implicit and explicit self-esteem associations. The effect of fear on the association of implicit and explicit self-esteem; to test whether the certainty of emotion plays a role in the connection between implicit and explicit self-esteem; and to test whether the control of emotion has an effect on the association of implicit and explicit self-esteem. Results: (1) Happiness significantly increased the association between implicit and explicit self-esteem: (2) anger significantly increased the association between implicit and explicit self-esteem. The results of this experiment are consistent with the previous studies. (3) surprise emotion failed to induce 4) the difference between anger and fear on implicit and explicit self-esteem is significant (5) the deterministic implicit and explicit self-esteem of emotion is not completely mediated. The mediating effects of controlled implicit and explicit self-esteem on emotion were not significant.


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