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发布时间:2018-05-16 04:10

  本文选题:自我建构启动 + 自我概念 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Middle school is a very important turning point in the process of self-concept development. Under the background of frequent cultural exchanges between China and the West, middle school students are affected not only by Oriental culture, but also by Western culture. Therefore, this study initiated different self-construction to study how the self-concept development of middle school students will be affected under the collectivism background, and the relationship between self-concept development and social support and academic achievement motivation. Subjects were divided into self-construction priming group (independent, dependent) and non-priming group (control group, using Tennessee self-concept questionnaire, social support questionnaire, academic achievement motivation scale, using story activation method and difference priming method to initiate self-construction. Questionnaire survey was used. The results are as follows: 1. Middle school students self-construction, social support, academic achievement motivation overall level is good. 2. The self-construction, social support and academic achievement motivation of self-construction priming group (independence, dependency) and non-priming group were significantly different in demographic variables, and each group had its own characteristics in demographic variables. Self-construction priming group (independent, dependent) students' self-construction, social support, and academic achievement motivation were positively correlated. 4. The non-priming group had positive correlation with self-construction, social support and academic achievement motivation. 5. Social support of self-construction priming group (independence, dependency) and non-priming group played a part of intermediary role between self-concept and academic achievement motivation. Among them, the mediation benefit of independent construction startup group was the highest, that of dependent construction startup group was the lowest, and that of non-startup group was 20.


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