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发布时间:2018-05-16 10:53

  本文选题:坐姿 + 自豪 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着研究的深入,积极情绪与认知之间的关系并非只有“积极-拓展,消极-窄化”的关系,而是更复杂更细化。在积极心理学思潮的背景下,自豪等高级情绪由于对人们有重要意义而得到越来越多学者的关注。同时,具身观的兴起令人们对认知和情绪产生了新理解和新方法。本研究在前人研究的基础之上,通过设计实验,旨在考察自豪这一具体积极情绪对注意范围的影响;通过对身体姿势操纵,探究坐姿这一身体变量是否会以及如何影响自豪-注意范围关系,拓宽情绪-注意关系及具身观的研究。 本研究以大学生为被试,共有三个实验。实验一中45名被试被随机分成两组,分别观看不同视频(视频1《中国国家形象宣传片-角度篇》和视频2《耳聋:一个新兴的治疗策略》),随后在0分钟、2分钟、4分钟及6分钟时对8种情绪进行7点评定。单因素方差分析结果表明,两个视频组在愉悦、自豪、希望、中性指标上显著差异,结合平均数可知观看视频1可以有效诱发被试的自豪情绪,而观看视频2可有效诱发被试的中性状态,且在2分钟内保持有效。 实验二采用Navon字母任务范式作为注意范围的测量指标,在未对坐姿加以控制的情况下,让自豪组(n=19)和中性组(n=19)被试看完视频后完成注意任务,考察自豪和中性情绪对注意范围的影响。两因素重复测量方差分析表明,(1)无论哪种情绪下,被试都呈现整体优先加工趋势;(2)自豪和中性情绪对注意范围的影响趋势一致,都扩大注意的范围,但自豪情绪下对整体和局部图形的反应时都慢于中性的。 实验三利用指导语对101名被试的坐姿进行操纵,采用3坐姿(端正、下跌、正常)×2情绪(自豪、中性)×2图片类型或注意加工方式(整体、局部)三因素混合设计。结果发现,坐姿与情绪、坐姿与注意加工方式以及这三者之间的交互作用显著。简单效应检验结果表明,在端正坐姿下观看自豪视频被试的注意范围缩小,而观看中性视频时注意范围扩大;在下跌坐姿下观看自豪视频时,被试的注意范围扩大,而观看中性视频时注意范围缩小;在正常坐姿下,无论观看自豪还是中性视频,被试的注意范围都扩大。以上结果说明,坐姿调节着自豪与注意范围之间的关系。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the research, the relationship between positive emotion and cognition is not only "positive-expansion, negative-narrow", but more complex and more detailed. Under the background of positive psychology, pride and other high-level emotions have been paid more and more attention by scholars because of their importance to people. At the same time, the rise of the concept of body makes people have a new understanding and new methods of cognition and emotion. On the basis of previous studies, this study aims to investigate the effect of the specific positive emotion of pride on the range of attention by designing experiments, and by manipulating the body posture. To explore whether and how the body variable of sitting affects the relationship between pride and attention, the relationship between emotion and attention, and the view of body. In this study, college students were chosen as subjects, and there were three experiments. In experiment one, 45 subjects were randomly divided into two groups, Different videos (video 1, Chinese National Image Promoter-Angle) and Video 2 < Deafness: an emerging treatment Strategy were viewed, and 8 emotions were assessed at 0 minutes, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, and 6 minutes, respectively. Univariate ANOVA results showed that there were significant differences in pleasure, pride, hope and neutral index between the two video groups. In combination with the average, watching video 1 could effectively induce the participants' pride. Watching video 2 could effectively induce the neutral state of the subjects and remain effective for 2 minutes. Experiment 2 used the Navon alphabet task paradigm as a measure of the attention range. Without controlling the sitting posture, the two groups, the proud group and the neutral group, were allowed to complete the attention task after watching the video. To investigate the influence of pride and neutral emotion on the range of attention. The analysis of variance of two factors repeated measurement showed that under either emotion, the subjects showed an overall preference-processing trend. (2) the influence of pride and neutral emotion on the attention range was the same, and the attention range was enlarged. But the response to both global and local graphics in pride is slower than neutral. In experiment 3, 101 subjects' sitting posture was manipulated by using the guidance language, and the three factors mixed design were adopted: 3 sitting posture (correct, down, normal) 脳 2 emotion (pride, neutral) 脳 2 picture type or attention processing mode (whole, local). The results showed that the interaction between sitting posture and emotion, sitting posture and attention processing was significant. The results of simple effect test showed that the attention range of the subjects watching the proud video in the upright sitting posture was narrowed, while the attention range of the subjects watching the neutral video was enlarged, and the attention range of the subjects was enlarged when watching the proud video in the downward sitting position. While watching neutral video, the range of attention was narrowed; in normal sitting posture, the subjects' attention range was enlarged regardless of whether they watched the proud or neutral video. The above results show that the sitting posture regulates the relationship between pride and attention range.


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