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发布时间:2018-05-16 12:25

  本文选题:观点采择 + 他人中心效应 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:观点采择(perspective taking)通常指“从他人眼中看世界”。前人研究发现被试在观点采择任务中会表现出显著的自我中心效应,即被试自己的观点会影响其对他人的观点的判断。近期的研究指出,被试自己的观点也会受他人观点的影响,表现出他人中心效应。他人中心效应说明被试自动采择了他人的观点,这有助于人们快速推断他人所获的信息,从而顺利完成一些简单的社会交互活动,或者进一步利用这些信息,推断他人的内在状态以完成更复杂的社会认知任务,反映了人类的认知系统对社会性生活的高度适应。以往有关自动观点采择效应的研究都局限于观点采择对象可见的场景,此时自动观点采择过程可以参照他人的视觉形象得以完成。然而在日常生活中,由于暂时的遮挡和眼跳等因素的影响,人们进行观点采择的对象可能是不可见的,而他们的观点对于完成社会交互同样重要。由于目前尚无涉及上述场景的研究,本研究针对观点采择对象不可见的场景,检测自动观点采择效应是否仍然存在,并籍此探讨其心理机制。笔者以三个实验系统探讨了不同场景条件下的自动观点采择效应。实验设置了可视条件和遮挡条件,前者的人物一直是可见的,而后者的人物因遮挡而不可见。通过比较这两种条件下他人观点对被试判断反应的影响,检测人物不可见时被试是否自动采择其观点。作为遮挡条件的对照,实验设置了离开条件,即人物中途离开实验场景。实验获得以下主要结果:(1)在可视和遮挡条件下,被试采择自身观点时都出现了他人中心效应,表明被试自动采择了那些暂时不可见人物的观点;(2)离开条件下被试采择自身观点时也出现了他人中心效应,说明被试会自动采择那些中途离开人物的观点;(3)在人物突然消失(而非以连续动作离开)时,未检测到他人中心效应,说明场景的时空一致性是人物离开条件下发生自动观点采择效应的必要条件。上述结果表明,人们能够自动采择暂时不可见人物的观点,而场景的时空一致性是决定自动观点采择的关键因素。
[Abstract]:Perspective taking usually refers to "looking at the world in the eyes of others." Previous studies have found that subjects will show a significant self-centered effect in the task of taking opinions, that is, their own views will affect their judgment of the views of others. Recent studies have shown that subjects' own views are also influenced by others' views, showing a central effect. The other-centered effect shows that the subjects automatically took the views of others, which helps people quickly infer the information that others get, so that they can successfully complete some simple social interactions, or make further use of that information. Inferring the inner state of others to accomplish more complex social cognitive tasks reflects the high adaptability of human cognitive system to social life. In the past, the research on the effect of automatic viewpoint selection is limited to the visible scene of the object of view selection, at this time, the process of automatic view selection can be completed by referring to the visual image of others. However, in daily life, due to the influence of temporary occlusion and eye movement, the object of people taking a point of view may not be visible, and their views are equally important for the completion of social interaction. Since there is no research on the above scenarios, this study detects whether the automatic viewpoint selection effect still exists in the invisible scenarios, and then probes into its psychological mechanism. In this paper, three experimental systems are used to study the effect of automatic viewpoint selection under different scene conditions. Visual conditions and occlusion conditions are set. The characters of the former are always visible, while the characters of the latter are invisible. By comparing the influence of other people's views on the judgment reaction of the subjects under these two conditions, the subjects were examined whether or not to take their views automatically when the characters were invisible. As the contrast of occlusion condition, the experiment set the leaving condition, that is, the character left the experiment scene halfway. The main results of the experiment were as follows: (1) under both visual and occlusion conditions, the participants took their own views with a central effect of others. The results showed that the subjects automatically took the views of those temporarily invisible characters. (2) when the subjects took their own opinions under the condition of leaving, there was also a central effect of others. The results showed that the subjects would automatically take the idea of those who left the characters in the middle of the day. (3) when the characters suddenly disappeared (instead of leaving in a continuous motion), they did not detect the other-centered effect. It shows that temporal and spatial consistency of scene is a necessary condition for automatic viewpoint taking effect under the condition of character leaving. The above results show that people can automatically take the viewpoint of temporarily invisible characters, and the temporal and spatial consistency of scene is the key factor to determine the automatic viewpoint selection.


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