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发布时间:2018-05-16 13:21

  本文选题:中学生 + 心理素质 ; 参考:《心理与行为研究》2017年01期

[Abstract]:To understand the category characteristics of middle school students' psychological quality and to investigate their gender and learning characteristics. The psychological quality of 1570 middle school students in China was tested by using the questionnaire of middle school students' psychological quality, and the characteristics of psychological quality of middle school students were classified by using the method of latent category analysis. The gender and segment characteristics of mental quality of middle school students were investigated by Logistic regression with disordered multivariate. Results: according to the statistical index of potential category analysis, middle school students' psychological quality can be divided into "high psychological quality group", "high personality adaptability group", "lower personality adaptability group" and "low psychological quality group". Further analysis showed that the other three groups had significant gender and segmental effects compared with the "low psychological quality group". The proportion of female students in the "high psychological quality group", "higher personality adaptability group" and "lower personality adaptability group" was higher than that in the other three groups. At the same time, the proportion of junior high school students in these three groups is higher. The results showed that the psychological quality of middle school students had obvious classification characteristics, and the gender and school segment characteristics were significant in different potential categories.
【作者单位】: 西南大学心理健康教育研究中心暨心理学部;


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