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发布时间:2018-05-17 05:29

  本文选题:网络游戏 + 背景音乐 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The network game, the music has the important influence to the university student's study and the life, at present has the massive research separately discussed the network game, the music to university student's aggression influence. Previous studies have found that violent video games increase individual aggression, while pro-social video games reduce individual aggression. Meanwhile, previous studies have found that songs with violent lyrics can increase individual aggression. Songs with pro-social lyrics can reduce individual aggression. If the combination of online games and music, online game background music will have an impact on the aggression of college students? What is the internal mechanism that the background music of online games affects college students' aggressive behavior? These problems are worthy of further discussion. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of different types of background music of online games on individual aggressive emotion, cognition and behavior through two experiments. The two experiments were designed in 2 脳 2 groups, including two types of music (positive emotion, negative emotion) and the sex of the subjects. Before the formal experiment, the music materials were screened out by experiment, and three of the five pieces of music were selected to meet the requirements of the experiment. In experiment 1, 62 college students were randomly assigned to play running kart (neutral game) under two background music conditions, and then completed the aggressive emotion and behavior test. In experiment 2, 60 subjects were assigned to play the treadmill game under two kinds of background music, and then completed the aggressive cognition and behavior tests. The results of this study are as follows: (1) there is no significant difference in the scores of aggression emotion, sex and hukou, but in the score of aggressive behavior, there is a significant difference between male and female, and the score of male is significantly higher than that of female. However, the scores of urban and rural subjects were not significant. 2) the interaction between sex and music type on aggressive behavior was not significant, but the main effect of gender was significant, the score of male was significantly higher than that of female, and the main effect of music type was significant. The score of aggressive behavior of background music which induced negative emotion was significantly higher than that of background music. 3) the interaction of sex and music type on aggressive emotion was not significant, and the main effect of gender was not significant. However, the main effect of music type was significant, the aggressive emotion in negative music was significantly higher than that in positive music. 4) among the predictors of aggression behavior induced by background music of online games, 62.79% played an intermediary role through aggressive emotion. Aggression emotion played an intermediary role in the relationship between aggression behavior induced by background music of online games.) the interaction between sex and music type on aggressive cognition was not significant, but the main effect of gender was not significant. But the main effect of music type was significant, aggressive cognition in negative music was significantly higher than that in positive music. 6) of the predictors of aggression behavior induced by background music of online games, 24.42% played a role through the intermediary of aggressive cognition. 75.58% of them acted directly, that is, aggressive cognition played an intermediary role in the relationship between emotion and aggression induced by background music of online games.


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