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发布时间:2018-05-17 08:41

  本文选题:服装治疗 + 服饰形象 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:现今社会,在科学技术发展的今天,美丽塑造成为一种可能,而当下美丽俊俏不在只属于女性的唯一权利。不论是因为工作竞争、还是生存需要,更多的男性也开始赶时髦,去整形、美容、美发,进行自我包装。当下职场中没有好相貌就无好工作的这一理由虽然给了这一现象一个借口,但是我们更需要关注的是人们对美的追求,对自我形象提高的渴望。在日本,一直就流行着女士不化妆则不出门的事情。追求形象的美,并不是因为它能带给自己财富,带给自己工作,而是美丽的外表,良好的形象,会让人心情舒畅。 此外,当前,通过形象的提升,来改善患者否定情绪的服装治疗也面临着其治疗对象是否能够得到广泛推广的困境。其对特定领域内患者的否定、不安等情绪的良好改善效果,能否有效的应用到其它普通心理患者的情绪问题中,需要我们去探索和验证。 本研究通过文献资料的收集与梳理,明确了服饰装扮过程的概念与对应属性,对服装治疗中服饰装扮的过程进行了分析、并对服饰装扮过程与情绪的关系进行了探究,进而也探讨服装治疗达到如此治疗效果的原因。通过文献的归纳分析后,就服装治疗中提到的外貌形象改善行为,与外貌管理、形象管理以及外观管理和形象设计等相关概念中提到的行为方法,进行了对比。 本研究的共进行了两次实验:第一项为辅助性实验,其旨在为主实验做准备工作,第二项为主要实验,旨在证实本研究的假设。 第一项实验:服饰装扮过程水平确定实验。 本次实验是在相关文献分析的前提下,确定其变量水平的。广义的服饰形象塑造行为包含了形象的设计、形象的塑造等过程,其内容则涉及形象整体的各个要素;而狭义的服饰形象塑造则主要集中在由服饰因素塑造出来的形象,其行为仅仅指服饰的装扮过程。因此,通过综合的分析和归纳,将服装治疗中提到的形象塑造,认为是服饰装扮。对于服饰装扮过程的操作指标,按照服装治疗中提到的行为指标,即治疗的次数和时间,划分成服饰形象装扮的时间和次数。 第二项实验:服饰装扮过程对情绪的影响实验。 本次实验,是在第一项实验的基础上,确定了第二个变量情绪变量的水平,并就实验的自变量和因变量以及控制变量的测定进行了实验设计,同时进行了实验。 针对服装治疗中提到的负性情绪的减少,关于情绪做了具体的文献梳理。按照情绪的定义和概念,将情绪划分成愉悦度和唤醒度两个板块,即情绪的唤醒和情绪的体验。对于情绪的唤醒和情绪的体验,国外针对此,通过研究,制定了情绪PAD量表,该量表不仅能很好的区分正负性情绪,同时还可以将同类的情绪进行明确的界定,将负性情绪的中的两种情绪,采用九点语意分析,更好的区分开来。 实验选取了HM网路试衣间,在辅助性实验中已经对服装装扮行为完成的时间和次数设定的前提下,再一次对实验过程的操作和注意事项给予了一定的说明;同时将情绪PAD量表,在任意的调整词对顺序,不影响测试结果的前提下,打乱其呈现的顺序,制作了情绪前测的测试任务;此后随机选取了40名被试,并依据男女相等的比例分组,进行实验。 实验结果显示, (1)服饰装扮过程的次数对情绪的愉悦度有显著(p0.05)的积极影响;服饰装扮过程的时长对情绪的愉悦度也有显著(p0.05)的积极影响。 (2)服饰装扮过程的次数和时间,对愉悦情绪有显著(p0.05)提高的影响,对不愉悦情绪也有显著(p0.05)改善的影响。 (3)服饰装扮过程时间越长对愉悦情绪和不愉悦情绪的影响越大;次数越多,对情绪的愉悦水平和不愉悦水平影响越大。即在显著水平条件下,长时间和高次数组别中,愉悦情绪和不愉悦情绪的变化平均值均大于短时间和低次数组别中愉悦情绪和不愉悦情绪变化的平均值。
[Abstract]:In today's society, in the development of science and technology, the beauty of beauty is a possibility, and the beauty of beauty is not the only right of women only. Whether it is because of work competition or survival needs, more men begin to catch fashion, to plastic, beauty, hairdressing, and self packing. There is no good job in the present workplace. The reason for this is an excuse for the phenomenon, but we need to pay more attention to the pursuit of beauty and the desire for self image. In Japan, it has always been popular that women do not go out without make-up. The beauty of the pursuit of image is not because it brings its own wealth, and it brings her own work, but it is beautiful. Appearance, good image, can make people feel comfortable.
In addition, at present, clothing treatment to improve the patient's negative emotion through the promotion of image is also faced with the plight of whether the treatment object can be widely popularized. The good improvement effect on the negative and uneasiness of the patients in the specific field and the effective application to the emotional problems of other ordinary psychological patients need us. To explore and verify.
Through the collection and combing of literature, this study clarifies the concept and corresponding attributes of dress and dress, analyzes the process of dress dress in the treatment of clothing, explores the relationship between dress and mood, and then discusses the reasons for the effect of clothing treatment as this treatment effect. After that, it compares the behavior methods mentioned in the concept of appearance management, image management, appearance management and image design.
Two experiments were carried out in this study: the first was an auxiliary experiment, which aims to prepare for the main experiment and the second is the main experiment, which aims to confirm the hypothesis of this study.
The first experiment: the level determination experiment of dress adornment process.
The experiment is to determine the level of its variables on the premise of relevant literature analysis. The generalized fashion of fashion image includes the process of image design and image shaping, and its content involves various elements of the image as a whole, while the narrow sense of clothing image is the main set in the image created by the factors of clothing, and its behavior. It only refers to the process of dress adornment. Therefore, through comprehensive analysis and induction, the image portrayal mentioned in the clothing treatment is considered as dress dress. For the operation index of dress dress process, according to the behavior index mentioned in the clothing treatment, that is the times and time of treatment, the time and times of dress image are divided.
The second experiment: the effect of costume dressing on mood.
In this experiment, on the basis of the first experiment, the level of second variables of emotional variables is determined, and the experimental design is carried out on the independent variable, the dependent variable and the control variable, and the experiment is carried out at the same time.
In accordance with the reduction of negative emotion mentioned in the treatment of clothing, a specific literature is made. According to the definition and concept of emotion, the emotion is divided into two plates of pleasure and arousal, that is, the awakening of emotion and the experience of emotion. For the awakening of emotion and the physical test of emotion, the foreign needles have worked out the emotion PAD through the study. In the scale, the scale not only can distinguish positive and negative emotions well, but also can clearly define the emotion of the same kind, and distinguish the two emotions in the negative emotion with nine points of semantic analysis.
In the experiment, the HM network fitting room was selected. In the auxiliary experiment, the time and the number of time and times of costume dress were set, and the operation and attention of the experimental process were given a certain description. At the same time, the emotional PAD scale was disturbed by any adjustment of the word order without affecting the test results. In the order of presentation, the task of emotional pretest was made. After that, 40 subjects were randomly selected and grouped according to the proportion of men and women.
The experimental results show that
(1) the number of costumes has a positive impact on emotional pleasure (P0.05); the length of dress dress process also has a significant (P0.05) positive effect on emotional pleasure.
(2) the number and time of dress adornment process had a significant (P0.05) effect on pleasant mood, and also had a significant effect on P0.05 (unpleasant mood).
(3) the longer the process of dress and dress is longer, the greater the effect on pleasure and unpleasantness; the more the times, the greater the influence on the level of pleasure and the level of displeasure. That is, in a significant level, the average value of pleasure and unpleasantness in a long and high array is greater than that in a short and low array. The average value of pleasurable and unpleasant mood changes.


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8 谢芝s,




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