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发布时间:2018-05-17 13:12

  本文选题:职业使命感 + 职业成功 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,使命感这一概念受到了学术界与实践界的广泛关注。在西方,已有大量研究证实,使命感能够带来一系列积极的生活和工作结果(Dik Duffy,2009).然而,其中少有基于理论的实证研究(Praskova, Hood, Creed,2014)。此外,从概念的内涵与来源上来看,使命感在中西方有着较为相似的发展轨迹(张春雨、韦嘉、张进辅,2012),但鉴于中国特有文化情境的影响,比如中国人的使命感多数强调与命运、祖先和家族的关联(He,2012),中国情境下,科研人员职业使命感的内涵结构与形成原因仍有待探讨。本研究结合中国文化背景,采用问卷调查与案例研究等方法,初步并全面的探讨了科研人员职业使命感的内涵、影响因素及其对职业成功的作用机制,研究发现,使命感是一种内生的、高层次的职业动机,对科研人员具有重要意义。首先,基于Hall和Chandler (2005)提出的“职业使命感-职业成功”的理论视角,研究一旨在探讨科研人员的职业使命感对其职业成功的影响机制。利用166份高校科研人员样本,本研究首次在中国情境下对Hall和Chandler (2005)的模型进行了部分检验。研究结果发现了工作努力-目标承诺中介链在职业使命感与职业成功之间的完全中介作用,以及工作努力在职业使命感与目标承诺之间的完全中介作用。研究二采用案例研究的方法,旨在了解中国情境下,职业使命感的内涵结构。研究资料是“老科学家学术成长资料采集工程”第一批出版的丛书10本。基于案例的编码分析与归纳对比发现两点:(1)老科学家均具有较高的职业使命感;(2)老科学家的使命感是由工作本身所带来的,在工作角色中体验到的一种强烈而持久的目的感与意义感,具有亲社会行为倾向。具体来说,使命感包括责任心、目的与意义感、亲社会行为倾向与长期性四个部分。研究三则旨在分析老科学家职业使命感的影响因素,研究方法、对象与研究二相一致。结果发现:(1)老科学家职业使命感的产生与个人自身因素相关,比如价值观、兴趣、才能等;(2)老科学家职业使命感的产生受组织与家庭因素的影响,比如组织氛围、组织需要、家庭支持等;(3)老科学家职业使命感的产生受到社会因素的影响,比如时代特征、国家需要等;(4)老科学家的使命感是在个人与环境交互作用中,逐渐达到“社会-组织-个人”交融的过程中形成的,通过个体的内省与反思,一方面存在自上而下的影响过程,即“国家命运→决定组织需要→影响个人奋斗”,另一方面存在自下而上的回应过程,即“个人兴趣与才能→推动组织需要→响应国家需要”。最后,从研究方法及样本的角度反思了本研究的不足,提出了今后研究的设想,并对本研究的理论和实践意义进行了探讨。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the concept of sense of mission has received extensive attention in academic and practical circles. In the West, numerous studies have confirmed that a sense of mission can lead to a range of positive life and work outcomes. However, there are few empirical studies based on theory, such as Praskova, Hood and Creed. In addition, from the point of view of the connotation and source of the concept, the sense of mission has a similar development trajectory in China and the West (Zhang Chunyu, Wei Jia and Zhang Jinfu), but in view of the influence of the unique cultural situation in China, For example, most of the Chinese people's sense of mission is emphasized and fate, ancestors and families are related to Heyin2012, in the Chinese context, the connotation structure and formation reasons of the scientific researchers' sense of professional mission need to be explored. Based on the Chinese cultural background, this study preliminarily and comprehensively discusses the connotation of scientific researchers' sense of professional mission, the influencing factors and the mechanism of their effects on career success by means of questionnaires and case studies. The sense of mission is an endogenous, high-level career motivation, which is of great significance to researchers. First of all, based on the theory of "professional mission-career success" put forward by Hall and Chandler 2005, the purpose of this study is to explore the influence mechanism of scientific researchers' sense of professional mission on their career success. In this study, the model of Hall and Chandler 2005 was tested for the first time in Chinese context using 166 samples of university researchers. The results showed that the role of work-effort-goal commitment intermediary chain was completely mediated between job mission and career success, and that of work effort between career mission and goal commitment. The second study uses the case study method to understand the connotation structure of the sense of professional mission in the Chinese context. The research materials are the first series of 10 books published in the data Collection Project for the academic growth of Old scientists. Case-based coding analysis and inductive comparison found that two points: 1) older scientists have a higher sense of professional mission. (2) the sense of mission of older scientists is brought about by the work itself. A strong and lasting sense of purpose and meaning experienced in the work role has a predisposition to pro-social behavior. Specifically, the sense of mission includes responsibility, purpose and sense of meaning, prosocial behavior tendency and long-term. The third is to analyze the influencing factors, methods and objects of the old scientists' sense of professional mission. The results show that the generation of professional mission of old scientists is related to their own factors, such as values, interests, ability, etc.) the generation of professional mission of old scientists is influenced by organizational and family factors, such as organizational atmosphere, organizational needs, etc. (3) the generation of a sense of professional mission among older scientists is influenced by social factors, such as the characteristics of the times, the needs of the country, etc.) the sense of mission of the old scientists is in the interaction between the individual and the environment. Through introspection and introspection of individuals, on the one hand, there exists a top-down process of influence, that is, "the fate of the country decides that the organization needs to influence individual struggle". On the other hand, there is a bottom-up response process, that is, "personal interest and talent drive organizational needs to respond to national needs." Finally, from the point of view of research methods and samples, this paper reflects on the shortcomings of this study, puts forward some ideas for future research, and probes into the theoretical and practical significance of this study.


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