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发布时间:2018-05-17 12:47

  本文选题:可用性测试 + 生理指标测量 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究人员在改进产品的用户体验时通常需要借助可用性测试的方法了解产品设计中存在的问题,这些问题包括掌握系统使用方法是否需要花费大量学习成本、提供的功能是否能快速高效地完成目标任务、显示界面上的元素排布是否条理清晰、用户操作结束后能否提供明确地反馈、视觉设计是否能够正确传达功能隐喻等等,这些可用性问题最终都会影响到用户的主观满意度。为了具体了解哪些可用性问题降低了用户的满意度,研究人员通常使用自我报告式的主观评价方法,例如满意度调查问卷、一对一的用户访谈、多人的焦点小组讨论以及边操作边描述的大声思维等方法。但被试在使用这些主观评价时会受到社会称许性偏差、认知不一致等因素的影响,存在不能真实反映内心满意度的情况,不利于发现产品的可用性问题。除此之外,传统方法无法了解被试满意度的变化情况,不利于针对性地发现被试在完成测试任务过程中遇到的可用性问题,影响可用性研究的效率。 针对传统研究方法的不足之处,本研究借鉴了国内外生理心理学研究中主观评价与生理测量相结合的方法,提出了一种基于眨眼间隔的用户满意度评价方法,该方法可通过被试在完成测试任务过程中的眨眼间隔对测试任务的用户满意度进行计算。研究中招募了31名被试分别完成两项网站可用性测试任务并记录实验过程中的眼动数据,任务结束后被试针对交互过程进行满意度评分。实验结果显示,用户眨眼间隔与满意度之间存在较强的相关性,满意度越低眨眼间隔越长。经过实验数据分析获得满意度与眨眼间隔之间的数学模型并计算获得了不同眨眼间隔区间对应的满意度打分结果(1-5分)。设计人员可通过该结果预测可用性测试中用户的满意度变化情况并以此为参考在设计中提升产品的可用性。
[Abstract]:Researchers who improve the user experience of a product often need to use usability testing to understand the problems in product design, including understanding whether the way the system is used costs a lot of learning costs. Whether the functions provided can accomplish the target task quickly and efficiently, whether the layout of the elements on the interface is clear, whether the user can provide clear feedback after the operation, whether the visual design can correctly convey the functional metaphor, and so on. These usability problems will ultimately affect the subjective satisfaction of users. To find out exactly which usability issues reduce user satisfaction, researchers often use self-reported subjective evaluation methods, such as satisfaction questionnaires, one-to-one user interviews. Multiplayer focus group discussions and loud thinking while manipulating. However, when using these subjective evaluations, the subjects will be influenced by the deviation of social approbation, cognitive inconsistency and other factors, which can not truly reflect the internal satisfaction, which is not conducive to finding the usability problems of the products. In addition, the traditional method can not understand the change of the participants' satisfaction, which is not conducive to the targeted detection of usability problems encountered in the process of completing the test task, which affects the efficiency of usability research. In view of the shortcomings of the traditional research methods, this study draws on the combination of subjective evaluation and physiological measurement in physiological and psychological research at home and abroad, and puts forward a method of user satisfaction evaluation based on blink interval. This method can calculate the user satisfaction of the test task by the blink interval of the test task. In this study, 31 subjects were recruited to complete two Web site usability testing tasks and record eye movement data during the experiment. After the task, the participants evaluated the satisfaction of the interaction process. The experimental results show that there is a strong correlation between user blink interval and satisfaction, and the lower the satisfaction is, the longer the blink interval is. The mathematical model between satisfaction and blink interval was obtained by analyzing the experimental data, and the satisfaction score of different blinking interval was calculated. The results can be used by designers to predict the change of user satisfaction in usability testing and to improve the usability of the product by reference to the design.


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