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发布时间:2018-05-19 05:37

  本文选题:创伤 + 注意瞬脱 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:创伤后压力反应(post-traumatic stress reaction,PTSR)是个体在暴露于创伤事件后的合理反应,它并不满足临床上创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)的诊断标准。经历过创伤事件的个体会出现不同程度的应激反应,但是只有一部分人会成为PTSD患者。在创伤学的研究领域中,研究者多以PTSD患者为被试,很少有人在个体经历创伤事件后早期阶段就对非PTSD的个体进行研究。但这样的研究对PTSD的发展及其早期预防和干预有着重要的意义。目前对PTSD的认知功能的研究大多从注意的空间角度入手,极少有人从时间维度考察其信息加工过程。另外,大多数研究用行为学实验研究其认知功能损伤或采用影像学研究观察其脑区激活情况,却很少有运用事件相关电位(event related potentials)技术从加工时程上分析其认知加工特点的。因此,本研究运用实验室创伤模拟范式诱发被试在创伤暴露后早期阶段的创伤后压力反应,通过行为实验和ERP实验探讨其对创伤刺激的认知加工的特点。实验一采用2(组别:创伤暴露组,控制组)×2(T1图片类型:创伤图,中性图)×4(T2延迟位置:lag2,lag3,lag4,lag6)的三因素混合实验设计,采用连续快速呈现范式(RSVP),从时间维度考察了38名控制组被试和28名创伤暴露被试对创伤信刺激加工的注意瞬脱效应(attentional blink)。结果显示,lag2、lag3条件下,创伤暴露条件下被试对创伤刺激T1后的T2探测率显著低于控制组被试,即表现出更强的注意瞬脱。Lag4、lag6条件下,创伤暴露被试与控制组被试T2探测率无显著差异,但是创伤暴露组的探测率依然低于控制组。为进一步阐明创伤暴露个体注意瞬脱的ERP特征,实验二在实验一的基础上采用2(组别:创伤暴露组,控制组)×2(T1图片类型:创伤图,中性图)×2(lag:lag2,lag6)三因素混合实验设计,对23名控制组被试和24名创伤暴露被试进行了ERP研究。实验结果显示,与中性图片相比创伤图片诱发了两组被试更强的N1、P2、N300、P3成分。同时,创伤图片诱发了创伤暴露被试比控制组被试更大的P2、P3波幅和更短的P3潜伏期,但两组被试的N3波幅差异不显著。本研究结论为:(1)创伤暴露条件下和控制条件下个体都对威胁性刺激有更强的注意偏向。(2)创伤暴露后,个体对创伤刺激表现出更强的注意瞬脱效应,说明创伤暴露个体对创伤信息更强的注意偏向,而其延迟恢复的瞬脱效应提示其对创伤线索的注意解除困难。(3)创伤暴露个体信息加工的晚期阶段依然对创伤刺激投入更多的认知资源,证明了个体创伤暴露后早期阶段对创伤刺激注意解除困难的特点。(4)创伤暴露后早期阶段,个体对创伤刺激有更快的记忆巩固速度。
[Abstract]:Post traumatic stress reaction (PTSRs) is a reasonable response of individuals after exposure to traumatic events, and it does not meet the diagnostic criteria of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals who have experienced traumatic events experience varying levels of stress, but only a few become PTSD patients. In the field of traumatology, most of the subjects were PTSD patients, and few of them studied non-PTSD individuals at the early stage of post-traumatic events. However, such studies are of great significance to the development of PTSD and its early prevention and intervention. At present, most of the researches on the cognitive function of PTSD begin from the spatial perspective of attention, and few people investigate the process of information processing from the time dimension. In addition, most of the studies used behavioral experiments to study cognitive impairment or imaging studies to observe the activation of the brain area, but few of them used event-related potential related potentialstechnique to analyze the characteristics of cognitive processing in the processing time course. Therefore, the laboratory trauma simulation paradigm was used to induce post-traumatic stress response in the early stage of post-traumatic exposure, and the characteristics of cognitive processing of trauma stimulation were investigated by behavioral experiments and ERP experiments. Experiment 1 was designed by using a three-factor hybrid experimental design of 2 (group: trauma exposure group, control group) 脳 2(T1 image type: trauma map, neutral image, 脳 4(T2 delay position: 1 / lag2 / lag3 / lag4 / lag6). Using a continuous rapid presentation paradigm, 38 subjects in the control group and 28 subjects in the trauma exposure group were investigated from the time dimension on the attentional blink effect on the processing of trauma signal stimulation. The results showed that under the condition of lag2 / lag3, the detection rate of T2 after trauma stimulation was significantly lower under trauma exposure than that in control group, that is, under the condition of more attentional transient. Lag4 lag6, the detection rate of T 2 after trauma stimulation was significantly lower than that of control group. There was no significant difference in T2 detection rate between the trauma exposure group and the control group, but the detection rate in the trauma exposure group was still lower than that in the control group. In order to further elucidate the ERP characteristics of attentional blink in individuals exposed to trauma, experimental 2 (group: trauma exposure group, control group) 脳 2(T1 image type: trauma map, neutral image, 脳 2% lag2lag6) was used on the basis of experiment 1. A ERP study was conducted in 23 control group subjects and 24 trauma exposure subjects. The results showed that trauma images induced a stronger component of N1P2N300 P3 in the two groups than in the neutral images. At the same time, trauma images induced greater P2P 3 amplitude and shorter P3 latency than those in the control group, but there was no significant difference in N3 amplitude between the two groups. The results showed that: (1) under the condition of trauma exposure and the condition of control, the individual had a stronger attention bias to the threatening stimulus. (2) after the trauma exposure, the individual showed a stronger attentional transient effect on the trauma stimulus. It shows that the individual exposed to trauma is more attentive to the information of trauma, The transient effect of delayed recovery suggests that its attention to trauma cues is difficult. 3) the late stage of information processing of trauma exposure individuals still devote more cognitive resources to trauma stimulation. It is proved that in the early stage of post-traumatic exposure, the individual has a faster speed of memory consolidation in the early stage of post-traumatic exposure than in the early stage of post-traumatic exposure.


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