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发布时间:2018-05-19 08:33

  本文选题:善意妒忌 + 恶意妒忌 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Jealousy is an emotion we often feel. In real life, "children of other families" often evoke jealousy. But as a socially recognized emotion, jealousy can be said to be one of the deepest and widespread emotions that people hide. Researchers used to think of jealousy as a hostile, resentful and negative emotion, but it turned out that it was the main feature of jealousy, which also had the side of upward self-improvement, that is, benign jealousy. With the deepening of the research, more and more researchers have studied the malicious jealousy and the benign jealousy, and achieved some results, but there are still some problems that need to be further studied. This paper attempts to induce jealousy with many methods, and uses explicit and implicit measurement methods to study the influence of jealousy on aggression, which has important theoretical and practical value. On the one hand, it is helpful to improve and perfect the method of inducing jealousy, on the other hand, the implicit aggression test is helpful to overcome the deficiency of traditional explicit questionnaire, and to explore the real effect of jealousy more effectively. This paper attempts to study the effects of jealousy on aggression through two experiments. The purpose of the experiment was to prove that jealousy was aggressive. Jealousy was induced by recollection and real situation, then emotion was evaluated, and explicit aggression questionnaire was completed. The results showed that the virulence of malicious jealousy was the highest in the recall association group, but there was no difference between the benign jealousy group and the control group, and the real situation group was also able to induce the jealousy emotion effectively, and the result was consistent with that of the recall association method group. The purpose of experiment two is to further explore the implicit aggression of benign jealousy. On the basis of experiment 1, experiment 2 changed the method of aggression measurement and used implicit association test to measure implicit aggression. As in experiment 1, in order to balance the differences of evoked methods, the recall and thinking methods and the real situation method were used to induce jealousy, then the emotion was evaluated, and then the implicit association test was completed. The experimental results show that there is a certain degree of implicit aggression in bona fide jealousy no matter which way it is induced.


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