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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:47

  本文选题:运动员 + 情绪 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The temporal and spatial perception of athletes is the core of athletes' specialized perception, so the spatial and temporal perception of athletes is a hot spot in the research of sports psychology. The research shows that emotion and vigilance play an important role in the process of individual time and space perception. The effect of mobilizing time perception and spatial perception can provide scientific reference and empirical basis for athletes' psychological selection and space-time perception training, to improve the athletes' specialized perception ability and to guide the control of athletes' emotion. The study includes four parts: pre research and inspection to check the applicability of network testing in the athletes group. 56 sports are selected. The results showed that attention was noticed in the system, and the correlation between the three network functions of orientation and execution control was not significant, indicating that the sportsman samples were consistent with the characteristics of the ordinary human samples, suggesting that the network test had a good applicability in the athletes' group. One selected 16 athletes and 19 ordinary college students to use temporal and spatial perception. The research paradigm examines the difference between athletes and ordinary college students in time and space perception. The results are as follows: (1) there is no significant difference in time estimation accuracy between athletes and ordinary college students. (2) the speed of spatial perception of athletes is faster than that of ordinary college students, and there is no significant difference in the accuracy rate of spatial location judgment. Two selected 256 athletes, using the time perception research paradigm, to investigate the influence of different emotional adjustment strategies on the time perception of athletes with different alert levels under different emotional states. The results were as follows: (1) high vigilance level athletes were more accurate and inclined to overestimate time. (2) low vigilance level. In the state of anger, the athletes tend to underestimate the time under the happy mood state, and there is no significant difference in the accuracy of time estimation. There is no significant difference in the time perception of the athletes with high alert level in the state of anger and happiness. (3) under different emotional states, different emotion regulation strategies are on different alerting level athletes. The effect of time perception is not significant. In study three, 256 athletes were selected and the spatial perception research paradigm was used to investigate the influence of different emotional adjustment strategies on the spatial perception of athletes with different alertness level under different emotional states. The results were as follows: (1) high alert level athletes had faster spatial perception response speed than low alert level athletes. The accuracy rate of position judgment is high; the accuracy rate of high alert level athletes in the state of anger is lower than that in the happy mood state. (2) in the state of anger, the cognitive reevaluation strategy is faster than the expression inhibition strategy and the control group, and the accuracy of spatial location judgment is not available. There is no significant difference in the spatial perception of the use of different emotional adjustment strategies in the happy mood state. (3) the high alert level athletes use cognitive reassessment and expression inhibition strategies faster than the control group, and there is no significant difference in the accuracy rate of the spatial position judgment; the low alert level athletes take the level. The cognitive reassessment strategy is faster than the expression inhibition strategy and the control group players' spatial perception response speed, and there is no significant difference in the spatial location accuracy. (1) the following conclusions are obtained: (1) attention network test has good adaptability in the athletes group. (2) the athletes show a certain degree than the ordinary college students. (3) vigilance has a significant influence on Athletes' perception of time, the more vigilant athletes have more obvious advantage of time perception reaction; low alert level athletes tend to underestimate time in anger state. (4) vigilance has significant influence on Athletes' space perception, and the higher the level of vigilance athletes The more obvious advantage of the spatial perception reaction; the accuracy rate of the spatial position judgment of the high alert level athletes is more easily influenced by the emotion; the influence of the emotion regulation strategy on the spatial perception of the athletes at different level of alertness is significantly different. Reevaluation is better than expression inhibition.


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