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发布时间:2018-05-21 21:16

  本文选题:专家 + 卷入水平 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:Cuc,Koppel和Hirst(2007)发现说者的选择性提取不仅会导致其出现提取诱发遗忘效应,也可能导致听者出现类似的提取诱发遗忘效应,这种发生在听者身上的提取诱发遗忘就被称为社会性共同提取诱发遗忘(SS-RIF,Socially Shared Retrieval-Induced Forgetting)。出现SS-RIF的关键在于听者与说者同时、隐蔽地共同提取。影响SS-RIF的因素众多,但存在一些因素,如听者的监测方式,说者与听者之间的社会关系通过影响听者同时提取的程度来影响SSRIF。本研究拟通过三个实验来探讨说者的专家性以及听者的卷入水平不同对SSRIF的影响。实验1采用2(说者的专家性:专家vs.非专家)×2(话题的争议性:争议话题vs.非争议话题)×3(提取类型:Rp+、Rp-和Nrp)的三因素混合实验设计,其中,提取类型为被试内变量,说者的专家性和话题的争议性为被试间变量,因变量为各类型项目的回忆率。实验2使用争议话题作为实验材料,采用2(说者的专家性:专家vs.非专家)×2(听者与说者的态度一致性:一致vs.不一致)×3(提取类型:Rp+、Rp-和Nrp)的三因素混合实验设计,听者与说者态度的一致性为被试间变量,因变量为各类型项目的回忆率。实验3设计和实验2相同,不同之处在于选择性练习阶段开始前,通过情境想象任务使被试处于高卷入水平。本研究得出结论如下:(1)对争议话题的态度与说者是否一致会影响SS-RIF,但是这种影响会受到说者专家性的影响。(2)听者的卷入水平会影响SS-RIF,与处于低卷入水平时相比,被试处于高卷入水平时,与说者同时提取的范围可能会“超越”说者提取的内容,进而消除SS-RIF。
[Abstract]:Cucus Koppel and Hirstfen 2007) found that the selective extraction of the speaker not only led to the extraction induced forgetfulness effect, but also resulted in similar extraction-induced forgetting effect in the listener. This kind of extraction induced amnesia in the listener is called social coextraction induced amnesia SS-RIFA socially Shared Retrieval-Induced Forgetting. The key to the emergence of SS-RIF lies in the covert extraction of both the listener and the speaker. There are many factors affecting SS-RIF, but there are some factors, such as the way of listener monitoring, the social relationship between the speaker and the listener affects the degree of simultaneous extraction by the listener. In this study, three experiments were conducted to explore the effects of the speaker's expertise and the different levels of listener involvement on SSRIF. Experiment 1 used 2 (expert speaker: expert vs. Non-expert) * 2 (controversial topic: controversial topic vs. The three-factor mixed experimental design of 脳 3 (extraction type: Rp + Rp- and Nrp), in which the extracted type is the inter-subject variable, the expert nature of the speaker and the controversial topic is the inter-subject variable, and the dependent variable is the recall rate of each type of item. Experiment 2 uses controversial topics as the experimental material, using 2 (expert speaker: expert vs. Non-expert) * 2 (the attitude of the listener and the speaker is consistent: consistent vs. The three factors mixed experiment design of extracting type: RP + Rp- and Nrp) showed that the consistency of the attitude of the listener and the speaker was the variable between the subjects, and the dependent variable was the recall rate of each type of item. The design of experiment 3 was the same as that of experiment 2. The difference was that the participants were involved in the task of situational imagination before the selective exercise stage began. This study concluded that: 1) the consistency between the attitude of the speaker and the speaker will affect SS-RIFs, but this effect will be influenced by the expert influence of the speaker.) the involvement level of the listener will affect the SS-RIFs, compared with the low involvement level. When the participants were at a high level of involvement, the range of simultaneous extraction with the lobbyist might "go beyond" the content extracted by the lobbyist, thereby eliminating SS-RIFs.


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