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发布时间:2018-05-23 14:25

  本文选题:成人依恋 + 去激活策略 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在充满各种威胁的环境中,刚出生的婴幼儿只能通过哭、笑等反应向母亲等养育者发出信号,以求获得关爱和帮助。在危险事件发生时,人们会愿意依靠他人以寻求帮助和支持。个体与生俱有寻求亲密和社会交往的需要,在与养育者长期稳定的相互作用过程中形成了一种情感联结,即依恋。依恋行为具有重要的进化意义,可以保护个体避免遭受身体和心理的威胁,缓解压力,促使个体开展活动和探索环境,发展能力和完善人格。 与依恋对象的交互作用对一个人的依恋风格的形成有很大影响。依恋对象对个体寻求亲密需求的敏感和及时响应有利于依恋安全感的获得,并且形成情绪管理的安全策略。但是,当重要依恋对象不可得,或对需求没有回应时,个体寻求亲密的行为无助于减少压力,也不能获得依恋安全感,最终形成情绪管理的次级依恋策略。次级依恋策略包括激活策略和去激活策略。根据Brennan等人理论模型和研究结果,成人依恋风格可分为依恋焦虑维度和依恋回避维度。激活策略和去激活策略分别是依恋焦虑维度和依恋回避维度高分者的特征。 本研究关注去激活策略,包括事前策略和事后策略,如何有助于依恋回避个体有效地管理情绪。研究采用ERP技术,选取N170成分和新旧效应指标,在考察依恋回避个体对情绪面孔的注意和记忆加工过程基础上,探讨事前策略和事后策略各自的功能。本研究中,用面孔学习再认范式,呈现的刺激包括正性面孔、中性面孔和负性面孔三种图片。结果发现:(1)高依恋回避个体在观看正性和负性面孔时,引发比观看中性面孔更人的N170波幅,表明其在处理情绪面孔图片时分配了更多的认知资源。(2)高依恋回避个体仅对中性面孔显示出早期新旧效应和顶区新旧效应,在正性和负性面孔条件下没有显著的新旧效应。(3)低依恋回避个体在观看三种情绪面孔图片时产生的N170波幅都没有差异。(4)低依恋回避个体对负性面孔和中性面孔有显著的新旧效应。 总之,这些结果表明高依恋回避个体在认知加工早期阶段分配了更多资源注意情绪面孔,在后期阶段成功抑制了对情绪面孔的记忆。
[Abstract]:In a menacing environment, newborns can only send signals to nurturers, such as mothers, by crying, laughing, and so on, for care and help. When dangerous events occur, people are willing to rely on others for help and support. Individuals and birth have the need to seek intimacy and social interaction, and form a kind of emotional connection, that is, attachment, in the process of long-term stable interaction with the nurturer. Attachment behavior has important evolutionary significance, which can protect individuals from physical and psychological threats, relieve pressure, promote individual activities and explore the environment, develop ability and perfect personality. The interaction with attachment objects has great influence on the formation of attachment style. The sensitivity and timely response of the attachment object to seeking the intimate needs of the individual is conducive to the acquisition of attachment security and the formation of a security strategy for emotional management. However, when the important attachment objects are not available or there is no response to the needs, the individual seeking intimate behavior does not help to reduce stress, nor to obtain the attachment security, and finally forms the secondary attachment strategy of emotional management. Secondary attachment strategy includes activation strategy and deactivation strategy. According to Brennan's theoretical model and research results, adult attachment style can be divided into attachment anxiety dimension and attachment avoidance dimension. Activation strategy and deactivation strategy are the characteristics of high scores of attachment anxiety dimension and attachment avoidance dimension respectively. This study focuses on how deactivation strategies, including ex ante strategies and ex post strategies, contribute to the effective management of attachment avoidance individuals. Based on the ERP technique, the N170 component and the new and old effect indexes were selected, and based on the investigation of the attention and memory process of attachment avoidance individuals to emotional faces, the respective functions of prior strategy and ex post strategy were discussed. In this study, face learning recognition paradigm was used. The stimuli included positive face, neutral face and negative face. The results showed that the high attachment evaded the N170 amplitude of positive and negative faces, which was higher than that of neutral faces. The results showed that the individuals with high attachment avoidance only showed early old and old effects on neutral faces and old and new effects on the top of the face, which indicated that they were assigned more cognitive resources when dealing with emotional face images. There is no significant new and old effect in positive and negative faces.) the amplitude of N170 produced by low attachment avoidance individuals in viewing three kinds of emotional faces is not different. 4) the low attachment avoidance individuals have negative and neutral faces. Significant new and old effects. In conclusion, these results suggest that high attachment avoidance individuals allocate more resources to pay attention to emotional faces in the early stage of cognitive processing, and successfully inhibit the memory of emotional faces in later stages.


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1 李同归;加藤和生;;成人依恋的测量:亲密关系经历量表(ECR)中文版[J];心理学报;2006年03期

2 王妍,罗跃嘉;大学生面孔表情材料的标准化及其评定[J];中国临床心理学杂志;2005年04期




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