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发布时间:2018-05-23 16:51

  本文选题:大中学生 + 元认知监控 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:元认知是对认知的认知,具体地说,是关于个人自己对自身认知过程的认识和调节的能力,包括对思维和学习活动的认识和控制。自从Flavell1976年提出元认知的概念以来,元认知就一直是研究和探讨的热点,关于元认知的理论更是层出不穷,尤其是在外语界,元认知理论得到了进一步的发展,研究外语学习过程中的元认知加工过程的研究成果也较为丰富。 国内外语界20世纪90年代以后才开始对元认知进行探讨和研究,虽然取得了一定的成果,但是有很大的不足,总体上国内对元认知策略的研究普遍使用问卷调查,使用实验研究方法的比较少,尤其缺乏对英语学习过程中元认知监控水平进行实验研究。 基于上述原因,本研究采用实验控制的研究方法,以英语单词作为研究材料,以大、中学生作为研究对象,探究学习者在不同策略选择阶段元认知监控的特点。具体研究内容如下: 研究一主要探讨大学生英语学习过程中元认知策略使用的特点,由四个实验组成,分别考察了大学生在自选策略、迫选复习策略、迫选检测策略和迫选停止学习策略四种情况下元认知监控的特点。 研究二研究不同英语水平被试元认知策略的使用情况和学习效果及特点,由两个实验组成,分别考察和比较了英语学习能力高分组被试和英语学习能力低分组被试在自选策略及迫选检测策略阶段元认知监控的差异。 研究三进一步研究大中学生元认知策略使用的发展性比较研究,由两个实验组成,分别考察和比较了大学生被试和中学生被试在自选策略及迫选检测策略阶段元认知监控的差异。 研究结果发现: (1)在策略的自由选择阶段,学习者更加倾向于选择停止学习进入下一阶段,迫切的进行新知识的学习,而这样的学习效果反而会很差; (2)在强迫选择策略阶段,迫选的自我检测策略的学习效果要明显好于使用复习策略的效果,更优于“停止学习”的策略;学习完成后不对刚刚学过的内容进行加工处理就去学习新任务的学习效果是最差的;而学习者在策略自主选择的“停止学习”的学习效果好于“迫选停止”的学习效果,但是明显的比迫选检测策略和复习策略的学习效果差。这表明同样的学习策略,自主选择优于强迫选择,加工程度高的策略(自我检测)优于加工程度浅的策略(复习策略),继续加工的策略优于不加工策略。 (3)不同英语水平学习者在策略的自由选择阶段对策略的选择没有差异,无论是英语学习能力高分组还是英语学习能力低分组在策略的自由选择阶段都倾向于选择停止学习进入下一个阶段,极少部分人会选择复习策略,几乎很少有人会选择检测策略。表明无论高水平学习者还是低水平学习者策略的选择水平都还应当提高。 (4)在被迫选择检测策略的情况下,,无论是英语学习高分组还是低分组,检测策略都是比较高效的学习策略,它对记忆的促进效果比较好。应作为学习者学习单词的常用策略。 (5)不同年龄组被试(大学组和中学组)在策略的自由选择阶段对策略的选择没有差异,无论是大学英语学习组还是中学英语学习组在策略的自由选择阶段都倾向于选择停止学习进入下一个阶段,少部分人会选择复习策略,几乎很少有人会选择高效的检测策略。这就表明无论大学生还是中学生策略的选择水平均有待提高。
[Abstract]:Metacognition is the cognition of cognition, specifically, the ability to recognize and regulate the individual's own cognitive process, including the understanding and control of thinking and learning activities. Since the concept of metacognition in Flavell1976, metacognition has been a hot spot of research and exploration. The theory of Guan Yuyuan's cognition is more than one. Poor, especially in the foreign language circle, metacognitive theory has been further developed, and the research results of metacognitive processing in the process of foreign language learning are also rich.
The domestic foreign language community began to explore and study metacognition since 1990s. Although some achievements have been achieved, there is a great shortage. In general, the study of metacognitive strategies in China generally uses questionnaire survey, and the use of experimental research methods is less, especially the lack of metacognition monitoring level in the process of English learning. Carry out experimental research.
Based on the above reasons, this study adopts the research method of experimental control, taking English words as research materials, and taking big and high school students as research objects to explore the characteristics of metacognitive monitoring in different strategy selection stages. The specific content is as follows:
This paper mainly discusses the characteristics of the use of metacognitive strategies in college students' English learning process. It consists of four experiments. The characteristics of the metacognitive monitoring under the four circumstances of the self-election strategy, the compelled review strategy, the forced election strategy and the forced election stop learning strategy are investigated.
The study two studied the use of metacognitive strategies in different English proficiency subjects and their learning effects and characteristics. The study was made up of two experiments. The differences in metacognitive monitoring were examined and compared between the high English learning ability group subjects and the low English learning ability group.
Study three further studies the developmental comparative study of the use of metacognitive strategies for secondary and middle school students. The study consists of two experiments, and the differences in metacognitive monitoring between College Students' subjects and middle school students at the stage of self selection and forced election strategies are examined and compared respectively.
The results of the study are as follows:
(1) in the stage of free choice of the strategy, the learner is more inclined to choose to stop learning to enter the next stage and to study new knowledge urgently, but the effect of this kind of learning will be very poor.
(2) in the stage of compulsive choice, the learning effect of the forced self detection strategy is better than the effect of using the review strategy. It is better than the "stop learning" strategy. The learning effect of the new task is the worst when the learning is completed and the new task is not processed. And the learner is independent of the strategy. The effect of "stop learning" is better than the effect of "forced election stop", but it is obvious that the learning effect is worse than that of forced selection detection strategy and review strategy. This shows that the same learning strategy, independent selection is better than forced choice, and the strategy of high processing degree is superior to the strategy of shallow processing (review strategy). The strategy of processing is better than the non processing strategy.
(3) there is no difference in the choice of strategies in the free choice stage of different English proficiency learners. Both the high English learning ability group or the low English learning ability group tend to choose the stop learning to enter the next stage in the free choice stage. Few people will choose the review strategy, almost few people. The selection strategy will show that both high level learners and low level learners should improve their choice of strategies.
(4) under the circumstances of being forced to choose the detection strategy, whether the English learning group or the low group, the detection strategy is a more efficient learning strategy. It has a better effect on the memory. It should be used as a common strategy for learners to learn words.
(5) there is no difference in the choice of strategies at the stage of free choice between the different age groups (University group and middle school group). Both the College English learning group and the middle school English learning group tend to choose to stop learning to enter the next stage in the free choice stage of the strategy. Few people will choose the review strategy, and few people will have a few people. We will choose an effective testing strategy, which indicates that the level of strategy choice is high for both college students and middle school students.


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