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发布时间:2018-05-24 14:14

  本文选题:心理授权 + 工作绩效 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Psychological empowerment is a complex of mental state and cognition experienced by individuals. It is a hot research topic in organizational behavior in recent years. Among them, the relationship between psychological empowerment and job performance is the most important in the study of outcome variables of psychological empowerment. However, in mainland China, psychological empowerment measurement tools have their limitations. This study attempts to compile a set of scientific and standardized psychological authorization measurement tools, and on this basis to measure the psychological empowerment of enterprise employees. From the perspective of employees' psychological empowerment, this study explores the relationship between employees' psychological empowerment and job performance and its internal mechanism, introduces two variables, job satisfaction and organizational justice. The purpose of this study was to investigate the multiple mediating roles between psychological empowerment and job performance. The online questionnaire survey and the field questionnaire survey were used to investigate the employees, and the following conclusions were drawn: 1. There are significant differences in gender, nature and working life of employees' psychological empowerment, but there is no significant difference in educational background. Mental empowerment and its four dimensions of work value, self-efficacy, job control and psychological empowerment behavior were positively correlated with job performance, and had significant predictive effect on job performance. Psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, organizational justice and job performance were positively correlated with each other. 4. 4. Job satisfaction partly mediates between psychological empowerment and job performance. The sense of organizational justice plays a role as a partial intermediary between psychological empowerment and job performance. 6. Psychological empowerment affects job satisfaction and job performance through organizational fairness, that is, organizational justice and job satisfaction play a multiple intermediary role between psychological empowerment and job performance.


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