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发布时间:2018-05-24 08:10

  本文选题:父母教育期望 + 学校态度 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:对未来教育的思考与规划是早期青少年成长过程中一项重要的发展主题,积极的探索和规划未来教育是早期青少年正常完成当前学业阶段和顺利步入下一学业阶段的重要保证,对其当前乃至将来的受教育问题均有重要影响。国外不少研究显示,父母的教育期望与青少年的未来教育规划之间存在关联(Nilsen,2011;Eccles et al.,1998;WilsonWilson,1992),父母教育期望能够正向预测青少年的教育未来教育规划(Jodl,et al.,2001;BennerMistry,2007)。而在中国当前文化背景下,父母的教育期望与早期青少年的未来教育规划之间的关系却不清晰,这应是当前中国教育研究需要深入挖掘与积极探讨的问题之一。因为在深受“望子成龙、望女成凤”传统影响的中国家庭中,父母几乎无一例外的对子女的未来受教育水平有所憧憬和期盼。但中国父母“望子成龙、望女成凤”的期盼传递到子女身上能发挥怎样的作用还要取决于个人因素的作用,而青少年的学校态度作为青少年未来教育规划的重要预测因子(AnderssonStrande,2004),就成为一个重要的个人影响因素。因此,积极或消极的学校态度在父母教育期望与早期青少年未来教育规划二者关系中起到怎样的作用尚需进一步考察。采用心理测验法,本研究对567名早期青少年的父母教育期望、学校态度以及未来教育规划进行测查,探讨了父母教育期望与早期青少年未来教育规划之间的关系,以及不同的学校态度在二者之间关系中所起的调节作用。研究结论如下:1.女青少年的教育投入水平显著高于男青少年,高年级青少年的教育探索、教育投入水平均显著高于低年级青少年。2.父母教育期望可以显著正向预测早期青少年的未来教育规划,学校喜欢能够显著正向预测早期青少年的未来教育规划,学校回避能够显著负向预测早期青少年的未来教育规划。3.学校喜欢能够调节父母教育期望与早期青少年教育探索之间的关系:在高学校喜欢水平下,父母教育期望能够正向预测早期青少年的教育探索,在低学校喜欢水平下,父母教育期望与早期青少年的教育探索之间关联不显著,且这种调节作用不存在性别差异。学校喜欢不能调节父母教育期望与早期青少年教育投入之间的关系。4.学校回避能够调节父母教育期望与早期青少年教育探索之间的关系:在低学校回避水平下,父母教育期望能够正向预测早期青少年的教育探索,在高学校回避水平下,父母教育期望与早期青少年的教育探索之间关联不显著,且这种调节作用不存在性别差异。无论在低学校回避还是高学校回避水平下,父母教育期望均能显著正向预测早期青少年的教育投入,但在高学校回避水平下,父母教育期望对早期青少年教育投入的预测作用低于低学校回避水平,且这种调节作用不存在性别差异。
[Abstract]:The thinking and planning of future education is an important development theme in the process of early youth growth. Active exploration and planning of future education is an important guarantee for early teenagers to normally complete the current academic stage and smoothly enter the next academic stage. It has an important impact on its current and even future education problems. Many studies abroad have shown that there is a correlation between parents' educational expectations and the future educational planning of adolescents. Parents' educational expectations can positively predict the future educational planning of adolescents and that of Benner Mistry2007.There is a correlation between parents' educational expectations and the future educational planning of adolescents. The relationship between parents' educational expectations and the future educational planning of adolescents is Nilsenli 2011 / Eccles et al. / 1998 / 1998 / Wilson / 1992 / 1992.Both parents' educational expectations can positively predict the future educational planning of adolescents. However, under the current Chinese cultural background, the relationship between parents' educational expectations and the future educational planning of early teenagers is not clear, which should be one of the problems that need to be deeply explored and actively explored in the current educational research in China. Because in the Chinese family which is deeply influenced by the tradition of "looking forward to becoming a son and looking forward to a woman into a Phoenix", parents almost without exception have a vision and expectation for their children's future education level. But the hope that Chinese parents' hopes of "looking forward to their children becomes a dragon and a girl into a Phoenix" depends on the role of individual factors in how they can play a role in their children. As an important predictor of adolescents' future education planning, adolescents' school attitude has become an important personal influence factor. Therefore, the positive or negative school attitude plays a role in the relationship between parents' educational expectation and the future education planning of early adolescents. In this study, the parents' educational expectation, school attitude and future education planning of 567 early adolescents were investigated by psychological test, and the relationship between parental education expectation and future education planning of early adolescents was discussed. And different school attitudes in the relationship between the two play a regulatory role. The conclusion of the study is as follows: 1. The educational investment level of female adolescents was significantly higher than that of male adolescents, and the educational investment level of senior adolescents was significantly higher than that of junior teenagers. The expectation of parents' education can predict the future education planning of the early adolescents significantly, the school likes to predict the future education planning of the early adolescents significantly, and the school avoidance can predict the future education planning of the early adolescents significantly. Schools like to be able to adjust the relationship between parental educational expectations and early adolescent educational exploration: at higher school preference levels, parental educational expectations can positively predict early teens' educational exploration, and at low school preference levels, There is no significant correlation between parents' educational expectation and early adolescents' educational exploration, and there is no gender difference in this regulation. Schools like to not adjust the relationship between parental education expectations and early adolescent education investment. 4. 4. School avoidance can regulate the relationship between parents' educational expectation and early adolescent's educational exploration: at low school avoidance level, parental education expectation can positively predict early adolescents' educational exploration, and at high school avoidance level, it can predict the educational exploration of early adolescents. There is no significant correlation between parents' educational expectation and early adolescents' educational exploration, and there is no gender difference in this regulation. In both low school avoidance and high school avoidance levels, parents' educational expectations could significantly positively predict early teens' educational input, but at high school avoidance levels, The predictive effect of parental education expectation on early adolescents' educational input was lower than that of low school avoidance level, and there was no gender difference in this regulation.


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