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发布时间:2018-05-24 23:04

  本文选题:空间Simon效应 + 语音反应 ; 参考:《心理学报》2017年08期

[Abstract]:Three experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of emotion titer on spatial Simon effect in speech response mode. Experiment 1 used spatial Simon task paradigm to investigate the existence of spatial Simon effect in phonological response mode, experiment 2 increased the dimension of emotional potency of stimulus, and used the same task to investigate the effect of independent emotional titer on spatial Simon effect. On the basis of experiment 2, experiment 3 further explored the effect of emotion titer on spatial Simon effect. The results show that the spatial Simon effect is affected only when the emotional titer is a correlation dimension in the phonetic response mode. The effect is mainly reflected in the effect of positive titer on cognitive control, which results in the reduction or disappearance of spatial Simon effect, which is consistent with the polarity coding consistency hypothesis and broadens the somatic specificity hypothesis. It expands the previous understanding of spatial cognition of emotional influence.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学心理学院陕西省行为与认知神经科学重点实验室;山东师范大学历山学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31671147) 陕西师范大学理工科中央高校课题研究项目(GK201703087);陕西师范大学教师教育研究专项资助(JSJY2015J018)


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