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发布时间:2018-05-25 03:15

  本文选题:跨通道无意听盲 + 相似性 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:人们生活中会充斥着很多信息,这些信息可能来自听觉,也可能来自视觉。但并不是所有信息都会得到加工。当注意力放在视觉的主任务时,通常听不到以听觉形式出现的非期望刺激,这种现象称跨通道无意听盲(Cross-modal Inattentional Deafness)。它是生活中的常见现象,比如,在大街上低头玩手机的人,可能“听不到”后方来车的警示喇叭声,这很容易导致交通事故。跨通道无意听盲是近年来心理学新兴的研究热点。很多研究对其影响因素进行了研究,但其认知机制尚存在争议。引起跨通道无意听盲的原因究竟是注意定势,还是资源有限引起的,还是两者都有?本研究对跨通道无意听盲的机制进行研究。本研究包括四个实验。实验1探究知觉负载对跨通道无意听盲的影响。实验采用任务搜索范式,通过控制主任务搜索的数量将自变量分为高、低负载两个水平,来探究两个水平的跨通道无意听盲觉察率的差异。结果表明,低负载的觉察率高于高负载的觉察率。说明引起跨通道无意听盲的原因是资源有限,即支持资源有限理论。实验2研究了相似性对跨通道无意听盲的影响。采用任务搜索范式,通过控制期望刺激与非期刺激是否一致,来探究两种水平的跨通道无意听盲觉察率的差异。结果表明,期望刺激与非期望刺激一致的情况下的觉察率高于不一致的情况。说明跨通道无意听盲的机制是注意定势,即支持注意定势理论。既然两种机制对跨通道无意听盲都有影响,那么这两种因素是否共同起作用呢?因此实验3探究相似性和知觉负载对跨通道无意听盲的影响。采用任务搜索范式,通过控制主任务搜素的数量和期望刺激、非期望刺激是否一致来探究四种水平的跨通道无意听盲觉察率的差异。结果表明注意定势和资源有限会共同导致跨通道无意听盲。语言在人们生活中有极其重要的作用,而语言加工过程中需要注意资源的参与。那么,语义相似性和知觉负载是否对跨通道无意视盲有影响呢?因此实验4探究语义相似性和知觉负载对跨通道无意听盲的影响。在实验三的基础上,将实验中的字母和数字换成汉字。结果发现,注意定势和资源有限会共同导致跨通道无意听盲,且语言的加工会耗费更多的注意资源。
[Abstract]:People's lives will be filled with a lot of information, which may come from hearing, or from vision. But not all information is processed. When attention is focused on the main task of vision, undesired stimuli in the form of hearing are usually not heard. It is a common phenomenon in life. For example, people who bow their heads to play with their cell phones on the street may not "hear" the sound of warning horns coming from the rear, which can easily lead to traffic accidents. Cross-channel unintentional hearing blindness is a new research hotspot in psychology in recent years. Many studies have studied its influencing factors, but its cognitive mechanism is still controversial. Is the cause of unintentional hearing blindness across channels due to fixed attention patterns, limited resources, or both? This study investigates the mechanism of unintentional hearing blindness across channels. This study includes four experiments. Experiment 1 explores the effects of perceptual load on unintentional hearing blindness across channels. The experiment adopts the task search paradigm and divides the independent variables into two levels: high and low load by controlling the number of main task search to explore the difference of blind perception rate of unintentional hearing between the two levels. The results show that the detection rate of low load is higher than that of high load. The reason why cross-channel unintentional hearing blindness is caused is that resources are limited, that is, supporting the theory of resource limitation. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of similarity on unintentional hearing blindness across channels. The task search paradigm was used to explore the difference of blind perception rate of unintentional hearing between the two levels by controlling whether the expected stimulus and the off-stage stimulus were consistent. The results show that the perceiving rate is higher when the expected stimulus is consistent with the non-expected stimulus than in the inconsistent case. It shows that the mechanism of unintentional hearing blindness across channels is attention setting, which supports attention setting theory. Since both mechanisms have an effect on unintentional hearing blindness across channels, do the two factors work together? Therefore, experiment 3 explores the effects of similarity and perceived load on unintentional hearing blindness across channels. By controlling the number of search elements in the main task and the expected stimuli and whether the non-expected stimuli are consistent or not, the differences of blind perception rate of unintentional hearing in four levels across channels are explored by using the task search paradigm. The results show that attention setting and limited resources lead to unintentional hearing blindness across channels. Language plays an extremely important role in people's life, and the participation of resources should be paid attention to in the process of language processing. So, does semantic similarity and perceived load have an impact on cross-channel unintentional blindness? Therefore, experiment 4 explores the effects of semantic similarity and perceptual load on unintentional hearing blindness across channels. On the basis of experiment 3, the letters and numbers in the experiment are replaced by Chinese characters. The results show that attention setting and limited resources together lead to unintentional hearing blindness across channels and language unions consume more attention resources.


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