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发布时间:2018-05-25 03:16

  本文选题:ADHD倾向儿童 + 认知行为疗法 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:注意力缺陷多动障碍(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,以下简称ADHD)是儿童和青少年时期常见的精神和行为障碍之一,如果不对ADHD儿童进行及时的治疗、干预,会对其学业、工作和社会生活产生广泛而消极影响。因为ADHD是一种临床上的精神疾病,在临床诊断上必需由两位以上的儿童精神病学的专科医生通过神经系统相关的多方面检查才能下结论(邹忆玲,2006),出于研究的严谨性,研究者在本研究中的干预对象都是通过筛查具有ADHD症状表现,但没有经过医生确诊的的儿童,在以下的研究中将之称为ADHD倾向儿童。本研究旨在通过对ADHD倾向儿童进行参与式观察,总结ADHD倾向儿童在校的生存现状,得出一套对ADHD倾向儿童有效的系统式团体辅导训练方案,通过长期的注意力团体辅导训练,并对该套方案进行效果验证。本研究的研究对象为昆明市某公立小学三年级、四年级中通过筛查且自愿参加的ADHD倾向儿童,以观察法、访谈法、行动研究法做为主要研究方法,全程采用ABA倒反实验设计,将研究全程分为A?阶段为自然观测期(2周),B阶段进行辅导训练阶段(9个月),A?阶段为辅导训练结束后持续变化期(2个月后)。在ABA设计基础上,本文分为三个部分,第一个部分为昆明市某小学三、四年级部分ADHD倾向儿童的现状及特点研究。主要采用Conner's父母问卷、Conner's教师问卷、SNAP-IV量表为测量工具,同时以个案症状表现与问题行为记录表为辅助观察工具,对某公立小学三、四年级的部分学生进行了筛查和为期2周的参与式观察,并对研究对象的现状进了描述总结,探讨了ADHD倾向儿童的特点。第二部分研究主要为辅导训练方案集的编制,通过查阅文献,以及研究者自身对ADHD儿童和ADHD倾向儿童的辅导经验总结,以游戏艺术治疗,认知行为治疗为基础,配合感统训练形成ADHD倾向儿童辅导训练活动库,并系统化的将其编制为一本为期9个月的团体辅导方案集。第三部分研究则是针对辅导方案集的效果验证初步研究,通过对辅导训练进行过程效果评估和结果效果评估,采用量化结合质化的统计形式,对为期9个月的辅导训练进行效果的初步评估。结果如下:1、以游戏艺术治疗和认知行为治疗为基础,结合多种治疗方法的注意力团体辅导训练对ADHD倾向儿童的注意力有着明显的改善,间接改善了ADHD倾向儿童的其他多动症状。2、在辅导训练过程中,保证辅导训练活动的趣味性并长期持续的坚持下去能很好维持儿童参与辅导训练的积极性,间接提高了辅导训练的效果。3、学校、家长、辅导者三方指定统一的规范并联合进行能够有效的帮助参与辅导的儿童在学习生活中形成结构式的规范行为,对于辅导效果的维持、巩固与提高产生不可忽视的影响。4、经过辅导训练的ADHD倾向儿童在注意缺陷,多动冲动和多动指数这三个因子上有较为显著的改善。
[Abstract]:Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents. If children with ADHD are not treated and intervened in time, their studies will be improved. Work and social life have a wide range of negative effects. Because ADHD is a clinical mental disorder, two or more pediatric psychiatrists have to go through various neurological tests in order to reach a conclusion (Zou Yiling, 2006, due to the rigour of the study. The subjects of intervention in this study were children who had ADHD symptoms but were not diagnosed by a doctor, as described in the following study as ADHD prone children. The purpose of this study was to make a participatory observation on children with ADHD propensity, sum up the existing situation of children with ADHD tendency in school, and obtain a set of systematic group counseling training program for ADHD tendency children, and through long-term attention group counseling training. The effect of the scheme is verified. The research object of this study is the third grade of a public primary school in Kunming. In the fourth grade, the children who are inclined to ADHD by screening and participating voluntarily. The main research methods are observation method, interview method and action research method. The whole process is designed by ABA reverse experiment design. Divide the whole study into A? The stage is that the natural observation period is 2 weeks and the second stage is the stage of counseling and training. The stage was a continuous change period after the end of coaching (2 months later). On the basis of ABA design, this paper is divided into three parts. The first part is a study on the present situation and characteristics of ADHD tendency children in grade three and four of a primary school in Kunming. The SNAP-IV scale of teachers' questionnaire of Conner's parents' questionnaire was used as the measuring tool, and the record of symptom and problem behavior of a public primary school was used as a supplementary observation tool. Some of the students in grade 4 were screened and observed for 2 weeks, and the present situation of the subjects was described and summarized, and the characteristics of the tendency of children with ADHD were discussed. The second part of the study is mainly for the compilation of counseling and training programs, through consulting the literature, as well as the researcher's own counseling experience of ADHD children and ADHD prone children, which is based on the art of game therapy and cognitive behavior therapy. With the help of sensual training, the ADHD orientation training activity library for children was formed, and it was systematically compiled into a nine-month group counseling program. The third part of the study is aimed at the primary research of the effect verification of the counseling program set. Through the process effect evaluation and the result effect evaluation of the coaching training, the statistical form of quantitative combined with qualitative is adopted. A preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of the 9-month coaching program was conducted. The results are as follows: 1. Based on the art of game therapy and cognitive behavior therapy, the attention of children with ADHD propensity was significantly improved by the attention group training combined with a variety of treatments. Indirectly improved other ADHD traits of children with ADHD propensity. In the course of counseling training, the children's enthusiasm for participating in counseling training can be well maintained by ensuring the interest of counseling training activities and persisting in them for a long time. Indirectly improved the effect of counseling training. 3. Schools, parents, counselors, three parties designated unified norms and jointly to help the children who participate in counseling to form structural normative behavior in their learning and life, to maintain the counseling effect. Consolidation and improvement have an important influence. 4. The children who have been trained by ADHD have significant improvement in the three factors of attention deficit, hyperactivity impulse and hyperactivity index.


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