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发布时间:2018-05-25 03:46

  本文选题:学习方式 + 空间知识获取 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Human beings live in time and space, and the exploration and study of the surrounding space environment, such as navigation and path finding, are not only the basic survival skills requirements of the individual, but also an important part of the individual's daily life. The main purpose of this study is to explore the influence of learning style on the acquisition of spatial knowledge, and to discuss the role of two-dimensional global map in the process of spatial knowledge acquisition. The differences between field and virtual interaction and whether there are more efficient learning methods in virtual interaction to discuss the impact of different learning styles on spatial knowledge acquisition. This paper attempts to find a more efficient way to learn the knowledge of space environment in order to provide a reference for individuals to learn new environment. This study is divided into three parts: experiment one aims to explore the effect of two-dimensional global map on individual acquisition of spatial knowledge in the field learning style. This paper mainly compares the effects of field learning and field aided two-dimensional global map on the knowledge of landmarks (scene identification) and configuration (azimuth judgment, global representation and distance perception representation) in individual acquisition of spatial knowledge. Experiment 2 compares the effects of field interaction and virtual interaction (different interaction modes) on individuals' acquisition of different spatial knowledge components. This paper mainly compares the two learning methods of scene aided global map and virtual streetscape map for individual acquisition of spatial knowledge of landmarks (scene identification) and configuration (azimuth judgment). Experiment 3 aims to further explore the effects of active learning (interactive) and passive learning (no interaction) on individual acquisition of spatial knowledge in virtual street map learning. Comparing the active exploration of virtual streetscape map with the passive acceptance of virtual streetscape map, the author compares the two learning methods: for individuals to acquire spatial knowledge of landmarks (scene identification) and configuration (azimuth judgment), Global representation and distance perception representation). The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Field aided two-dimensional global map learning is superior to field learning. Two-dimensional global map has significant assistant effect on individual acquisition of configuration knowledge in spatial knowledge. (2) Field aided two-dimensional global map learning method is better than virtual street scene active exploration learning method. The interaction mode of field scene is more convenient for individuals to learn and acquire spatial knowledge. 3) the performance of passive acceptance learning mode of virtual street view is slightly higher than that of active exploration learning mode of virtual street view, but the difference is not significant. It shows that video learning is one of the potential efficient learning methods.


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