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发布时间:2018-05-25 21:01

  本文选题:青少年 + 健康危险行为 ; 参考:《皖南医学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:分析芜湖市和嘉兴市青少年健康危险行为的流行病学特征,,探讨吸烟、饮酒行为和自杀意念发生的影响因素,为相关部门制定综合性干预措施提供科学依据。 方法:采用方便整群抽样方法,抽取芜湖市、嘉兴市的7所中学,对其7~12年级的6347名学生采用匿名式自填问卷进行现场调查。调查内容主要包括:①学生及其家庭的一般情况;②青少年健康危险行为监测问卷。使用EpiData3.0建立数据库、录入数据,应用SPSS18.0进行数据分析。 结果:在被调查的6347名中学生中,4.2%的学生现在吸烟,21.9%的学生现在饮酒,在现在饮酒的学生中有7.0%的学生重度饮酒。在最近12个月内骑车的学生当中,32.5%的学生骑行违规,20.2%的学生在一年内曾动手打架,8.7%的学生在最近12个月内曾到非安全场所游泳,3.9%的学生上学时无安全感。38.6%的学生偏食,9.8%的学生经常喝汽水饮料,20.3%的学生经常吃甜点,8.2%的学生不吃早餐,57.1%的学生缺乏体育锻炼。13.7%的学生电子游戏成瘾,11.3%的学生网络成瘾,17.4%的学生参加过类似赌博的娱乐性活动。13.2%的学生有孤独感,有28.0%的学生感到学习压力大,8.1%的学生经常或总是失眠,12.3%的学生有抑郁情绪,20.3%的学生有自杀意念。在过去12个月内有10.5%的中学生看过色情书籍或音像制品,2.7%的高中生曾经有过性行为。青少年健康危险行为在性别、学段、地区上存在差别,男性和自认为学习成绩较差的学生的多项健康危险行为的发生率明显高于女性和自认为学习成绩较好的学生。 结论:芜湖市和嘉兴市青少年健康危险行为问题较严重。存在家庭、学生自身心理和社会等多方面因素的影响。对于中学生健康危险行为发生的不同特点,学校等相关部门应有针对性地开展心理卫生、健康教育工作和生活技能教育,提高中学生自我保护意识,同时应注意与家长沟通,促进改善家庭环境,加强家庭的干预措施。只有学校、家庭和社会共同努力,才能更好的预防和减少青少年健康危险行为的发生。
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of adolescent health risk behaviors in Wuhu and Jiaxing, and to explore the influencing factors of smoking, drinking and suicidal ideation, so as to provide scientific basis for relevant departments to formulate comprehensive intervention measures. Methods: 7 middle schools in Wuhu and Jiaxing were selected by convenient cluster sampling. 6347 students in grade 712 were investigated by anonymous self-filling questionnaire. The contents of the survey mainly include the general situation of the students and their families and the questionnaire of adolescent health risk behavior monitoring. Use EpiData3.0 to establish database, input data, use SPSS18.0 for data analysis. Results: among the 6347 middle school students surveyed, 4.2% of the students now smoke and 21.9% of the students are drinking alcohol, and 7.0% of the students who drink alcohol now drink heavily. In the last 12 months, 32.5% of the students who cycled in the past 12 months, 20. 2% of them had started fighting in one year, 8. 7% of them had gone swimming in unsafe places in the last 12 months, and 3. 9% of the students had no sense of security at school. 38. 6% of the students had no sense of security at school 9.8% of students often drink soda drinks, 20.3% of students often eat dessert and 8.2% of students do not eat breakfast. 57.1% of students lack physical exercise .13.7% of students are addicted to video games, 11.3% of students are addicted to Internet, 17.4% of students have participated in similar gambling. Recreational activities. 13. 2% of students feel lonely, 28.0% of the students felt the learning pressure was heavy, 8.1% of the students often or always insomnia 12.3% of the students had depression mood and 20.3% of the students had suicidal ideation. In the past 12 months, 10.5% of high school students had seen pornographic books or audio-visual products, and 2.7% of high school students had sex. The incidence of multiple health risk behaviors among male and self-rated students with poor academic achievement was significantly higher than that of female and self-rated students with good academic performance. Conclusion: the health risk behavior of adolescents in Wuhu and Jiaxing is serious. There are many factors such as family, students' own psychology and society. For the different characteristics of health risk behavior of middle school students, schools and other relevant departments should carry out mental health, health education work and life skills education, improve the awareness of self-protection of middle school students, at the same time, they should pay attention to communicate with parents. Promote the improvement of family environment and strengthen family intervention. Only with the joint efforts of school, family and society, can we better prevent and reduce the occurrence of adolescent health risk behavior.


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