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发布时间:2018-05-25 21:47

  本文选题:回、汉大学生 + 愤怒情绪感染 ; 参考:《宁夏大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The frequent occurrence of mass events has a great impact on social stability. Because of China's unique national conditions, group events may be presented in the form of ethnic problems. Emotional infection is considered to be an important factor in the generation of group events, especially the infection of anger, which is more likely to lead to the occurrence of group events. In order to understand the characteristics of the effect of emotional infection among different ethnic groups, as well as the influence of national identity and emotional sensitivity on the effect of emotional infection, In this study, the group effect of anger infection in subjects was investigated by presenting images and video materials of different nationalities. Experiment 1 based on the false attribution paradigm explores the collective effects and characteristics of anger in Chinese college students under the influence of primitive emotion. The second experiment uses the method of language text analysis to explore the group effect and characteristics of anger in Chinese college students under the influence of conscious emotion. The third part is to investigate the ethnic identity and emotional receptivity of Chinese college students, and to analyze the effect of them on anger infection. The results showed that the results of the primary and conscious emotional infections of anger were consistent, and the Hui nationality had obvious preference for the inner group in the infection of anger emotion. However, there was no significant difference in ethnic identity between Hui nationality and Han nationality. And the national identity of Hui nationality is higher than that of Han nationality.) there is no significant difference between Hui nationality and Han nationality in emotional perception. 4) ethnic identity plays a role in regulating the angry emotion infection in Han nationality, and national identity plays an important role in Hui nationality. The inner group preference played a positive role in regulating the angry emotion infection of the Han nationality. 5) the emotion receptivity only played a positive role in the anger conscious emotion infection of the Hui nationality, but the regulating effect on the Han nationality subjects was not obvious.


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