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发布时间:2018-05-26 08:21

  本文选题:社会认知基本维度 + 能动性 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:社会认知基本维度包含能动性(agency)与社群性(communion)两个方面。能动性是个体为了追求权力、掌控感以及肯定自我独特性所付出的努力,是与展现个人能力或追求个人成就相关的特质,比如能干的、勤奋的等积极特质以及无能的、懒散的等消极特质。而社群性则是个体寻求同他人合作、群体间的亲密团结所付出的努力,是与道德判断和人际交往相关的特性,比如合群的、友善的等积极特性以及刻薄的、孤僻的等消极特性。已有研究发现能动性评价对特质自尊的预测作用,但是这些研究都是基于自我知觉视角(intrapersonal perspective)的自我评价。在自我知觉视角下,自尊强调的是个人的能力,重视个人的能动性。然而自尊不仅来源于自我知觉视角下的自我评价,元知觉视角下他人的接纳或拒绝也是自尊塑造和发展的另一个重要来源。此外,自尊被看作是由认知(信念)和情感(情绪)组成的复杂概念。自尊的认知模型指出自尊反映的是个人在总体上对自我的评价,属于认知加工;但是情感模型认为,自尊反映的是个人整体上对自我的喜欢接纳程度,属于情感加工,尤其是社会计量器理论(sociometer theory),它认为自尊反映的是瞬时的情绪状态,特别是由他人对自我的接纳程度所引发的情绪。由此看来,从元知觉视角(interpersonal perspective)考虑个体自尊水平的时候,不仅要考虑个体在总体上对自我的评价,即自尊的认知模型,也要考虑自尊的情感模型。基于此,本研究试图探讨自我知觉视角和元知觉视角下社会认知基本维度对自尊的预测作用,以及从元知觉视角研究社会认知基本维度与自尊的关系时,考虑到在自尊的认知模型和情感模型下社会认知基本维度的评价对自尊的预测作用。研究一是基于自尊的认知模型,采用被试内设计,36名被试同时完成自我知觉视角和元知觉视角下的能动性和社群性的认知评价任务,结果发现在自我知觉视角下能动性和社群性均与自尊呈正相关,而在元知觉视角下仅有能动性与自尊显著相关。在进一步考察两种视角下能动性和社群性对自尊的预测中,仅有自我知觉视角下的能动性能够预测个体的自尊,而元知觉视角下能动性评价对自尊的预测作用被自我知觉视角下的能动性评价所中介,从而验证了自尊是由能动性相关的特质而非社群性相关的特质主导的。研究二依然是基于自尊的认知模型,但是为了避免被试同时接受两种视角所产生的中介效应,采用组间设计,也就是受试者只接受其中一种视角的处理。120名被试完成自我知觉视角评价的任务,另120名被试完成元知觉视角评价的任务。在考察社会认知基本维度与自尊的关系中发现,两种视角下能动性和社群性的评分均与自尊呈正相关。进一步考察两种视角下能动性和社群性对自尊的预测作用,结果发现不仅自我知觉视角下的能动性能够预测个体的自尊,元知觉视角下的能动性也能够预测个体的自尊。研究三基于自尊的情感模型,受试者只接受元知觉视角的处理,30名被试报告其在元知觉视角下的自我情绪状态,结果发现在看到能动性反馈后被试的情绪状态能预测自尊,而在看到社群性反馈后被试的情绪状态对自尊没有预测作用。本研究表明,两种视角下的能动性与自尊具有密切关系,能动性评价能够对个人的特质自尊具有预测作用,即存在能动性主导效应,而这种主导作用不受视角和自尊认知-情感模型的影响。
[Abstract]:The basic dimensions of social cognition include two aspects of agency and communion. The initiative is the effort of the individual to pursue power, control, and affirmative self uniqueness. It is a trait related to the ability to display individual abilities or to pursue personal achievements, such as active and diligent qualities, as well as incompetence, and laziness. And community sex is the effort that individual seeks to cooperate with others, the close solidarity between groups, and the characteristics related to moral judgments and interpersonal relationships, such as groups, friendliness and other positive characteristics, as well as the negative and eccentric characteristics. Use, but these studies are based on self perception of self perception (intrapersonal perspective). In the perspective of self perception, self-esteem emphasizes individual ability and individual initiative. However, self esteem is not only derived from self evaluation from the perspective of self perception, but the acceptance or refusal of others is also self-respect from the Perspective of meta perception. Another important source of shaping and development. In addition, self-esteem is seen as a complex concept of cognition (belief) and emotion (emotion). The cognitive model of self-esteem indicates that self esteem reflects the individual's evaluation of the self in general, which belongs to cognitive processing; but the emotional model believes that self esteem reflects the individual's preference for the self. The degree of acceptance, belonging to the emotional processing, especially the social economer theory (Sociometer theory), believes that self-esteem reflects the instantaneous state of emotion, especially the emotion caused by the acceptance of others to the self. Thus, it seems to be considered not only to consider the level of self esteem from the interpersonal Perspective, but also from the perspective of the meta perception (interpersonal). Based on this, this study tries to explore the predictive function of the basic dimensions of social cognition from the perspective of self perception and meta perception, as well as the relationship between the basic dimensions of social cognition and the relationship between the basic dimensions of social cognition and self-esteem from the perspective of meta perception. On the basis of the cognitive model of self-esteem and the basic dimensions of social cognition, the evaluation of the basic dimensions of social cognition is the predictor of self-esteem. One is based on the cognitive model of self-esteem, and the 36 subjects complete the cognitive evaluation task of initiative and communality in the perspective of self perception and meta perception at the same time, and the results are found in self knowledge. Under the visual angle, both activity and community are positively correlated with self-esteem, but only activity and self-esteem are significantly related to the perspective of meta perception. In the further study of the two perspectives, the activity and community nature can predict the self-esteem of the body only in the perspective of self perception, and the activity evaluation in the perspective of meta perception. The predictive role of self-esteem is mediated by the activity evaluation of self perception, which verifies that self-esteem is dominated by the characteristics related to activity rather than social related traits. Study two is still based on the cognitive model of self-esteem, but in order to avoid the mediator effect produced by the two perspectives at the same time, it is used between groups. The design, in which the subjects only accepted one view of the.120 name, completed the task of self perception evaluation, and the other 120 subjects completed the task of meta perception evaluation. In the study of the relationship between the basic dimensions of social cognition and the self-esteem, the scores of the two perspectives were positively related to the self-esteem. Further examine the predictive effect of activity and community on the self-esteem of two perspectives. The results show that not only the initiative in the perspective of self perception can predict the individual's self-esteem, but the activity in the perspective of meta perception can also predict the individual's self-esteem. Three the subjects based on the self-esteem based affective model only accept the treatment of the perspective of meta perception, 30 The participants reported the state of self emotion under the perspective of meta perception. The results showed that the emotional state of the subjects after seeing dynamic feedback could predict self-esteem, while the emotional state of the subjects after seeing the community sex feedback had no predictive effect on self-esteem. The study showed that the activity of the two perspectives was closely related to the self-esteem, and the activity was evaluated. Price can predict the individual's trait self-esteem, that is, the existence of active dominant effect, which is not influenced by the perspective and self-esteem cognition - the emotional model.


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