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发布时间:2018-05-27 07:36

  本文选题:畸变 + 频率(高低频) ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从1980年Kutas等首次发现N400以来,许多心理学专家围绕这一脑电成分开展了大量语言认知的研究,对N400做出了不同解释,提出了不同的N400认知加工理论。早期,关于N400的认知加工机制的争论主要集中在词汇后整合理论和词汇加工理论,不久前,Kutas等又提出了语义提取理论,此外还有,交互激活模型、多阶段加工等理论模型。词汇后整合理论认为N400反映了语义整合难度,整合难度越大,相应地诱发的N400就越大;反之,则越小。基于单词产生器模型提出的词汇加工理论则认为,N400反映了自动扩散激活水平,启动刺激的自动激活影响到靶刺激的激活水平。根据语义提取理论,N400脑电成分是语义加工的指标。交互激活模型也是一种重要的理论模型,IA主要有两种加工方式——串联式加工和交互激活式加工。多阶段加工理论则认为词汇的识别可以分成前后相继的不同的加工阶段。 对于N400的研究大多数是采用了英文实验材料,但是,中英文是两种完全不同的语言体系,英文属于拼音文字,其语义的提取主要靠语音,而中文是一种象形文字,其语义的提取主要靠正字法等字形信息,本研究以汉字为实验材料,采用语义启动范式和词汇判断任务,研究畸变汉字所诱发的N400等脑电成分。 实验一是高频实验,靶刺激的频率范围是130-2211.1次/百万,涉及到两个被试内变量:语义变量(启动、无启动)和畸变变量(畸变、清晰),是两因素的被试内设计。分析脑电数据,结果发现,在300-500ms时间窗口上,N400的启动效应和畸变效应均显著,也就是说,无启动比启动条件诱发了更负的N400成分,清晰刺激比畸变刺激诱发了更大的N400。在150-300ms时间窗口上,畸变潜伏期和峰值的主效应均显著,即畸变刺激诱发的P2潜伏期更久,波幅更大。在左右两侧的枕叶上,选取150-250ms时间窗口,统计分析脑电数据,结果发现,无论是潜伏期检验还是峰值检验,畸变的主效应均显著,即畸变刺激诱发的成分出现更晚,峰值更大,并且还发现,畸变和左右侧枕叶有交互作用,进一步的简单效应分析发现,在右枕叶上,畸变比清晰条件诱发了更负的N170成分,符合和支持了N170的偏侧化特点。 实验二是低频实验,靶刺激的频率范围是7.7-23.2次/百万。对低频实验的脑电数据做重复测量方差分析,结果发现,在300-500ms时间窗口上,畸变的主效应显著,而启动的主效应不显著,这可能是受频率的影响。在150-300ms时间窗口上,对P2的潜伏期做方差分析发现,畸变的主效应显著,并且在Midline上,启动和畸变的交互作用显著,进一步的简单效应分析发现,在畸变条件下,无启动条件比启动条件诱发可更大的脑电成分,而在清晰条件下,无启动和启动条件没有显著差异。对P2成分的峰值作检验发现,畸变的主效应显著,即畸变条件诱发了更大的P2成分。在150-250ms时间窗口上,畸变的主效应也显著。 无论高频实验还是低频实验,畸变刺激均比清晰条件诱发了较大的N400。并且,在400-450ms时间窗口上作电极点、高低频、启动和畸变的四因素重复测量方差分析,结果表明,畸变和频率的交互作用显著,进一步的简单效应分析发现在高频条件下,清晰比畸变刺激诱发了更负的N400。N400的畸变效应一方面可能是因为畸变的语义串联,刺激的畸变影响到了汉字的语义加工;另一方面,可能是家族大小的影响,畸变汉字没有其它家族成员,家族小,而其它清晰汉字的家族成员要比畸变汉字多,家族越大越大诱发的N400越大。这些结果也符合和验证了交互激活串联加工的预期。 N400的畸变效应还体现在P2和N170成分上。无论是高频实验还是低频实验,畸变条件诱发的P2均比清晰条件更负,畸变刺激诱发的P2也比清晰刺激出现的晚。 畸变的主效应显著,畸变和频率的交互作用显著,这一结果符合和验证了串联加工的预测,支持交互激活模型。在高频实验中,N170的畸变效应显著,并且左右半球存在差异,支持了N170反映“专家化”加工的理论,并且进一步证明了N170具有偏侧化的特点。
[Abstract]:Since the first discovery of N400 in 1980, many psychological experts have carried out a great deal of study of language cognition around this electroencephalogram. Different interpretations of N400 have been made and different N400 cognitive processing theories have been put forward. In the early days, the main arguments about the cognitive processing mechanism of N400 should be focused on the post lexical integration theory and the lexical processing theory. Not long ago, Kutas and so on put forward the theory of semantic extraction, in addition to the theoretical model of interactive activation model and multi stage processing. The theory of post integration thinks that N400 reflects the difficulty of semantic integration, the more difficult the integration is, the greater the N400 will be induced, and vice versa, the smaller. The theory of vocabulary processing based on the word generator model is the theory of word processing. It is considered that N400 reflects the level of automatic diffusion activation, and the automatic activation of the stimulus affects the activation level of the target stimulus. According to the semantic extraction theory, the N400 EEG is an indicator of semantic processing. The interactive activation model is also an important theoretical model, and there are two main types of addition process in IA - tandem and interactive activation. Multistage processing theory holds that lexical recognition can be divided into successive stages of processing.
Most of the research on N400 is the use of English experimental materials, but the Chinese and English are two different language systems. English belongs to the phonetic alphabet. Its semantic extraction depends mainly on the pronunciation, while the Chinese is a pictographic text. The semantic extraction is mainly based on the orthographic information. The study takes Chinese as the experimental material and uses the language. The N400 and other EEG components induced by distorted Chinese characters were studied by semantic priming paradigm and lexical judgment task.
The first is the high frequency experiment. The frequency range of the target stimulation is 130-2211.1 times per million. It involves two internal variables: the semantic variable (starting, no start) and distortion (aberration, clarity). It is the internal design of the two factors. The analysis of EEG data shows that the starting effect and distortion effect of N400 are all obvious on the 300-500ms time window. That is to say, a more negative N400 component is induced by no startup ratio. Clear stimulation induces a greater N400. in the 150-300ms time window than the distortion stimulus. The main effect of the distortion incubation period and peak value is significant, that is, the P2 latency of the aberration stimulation is longer and the amplitude is greater. The 150-250ms time is selected on the left and right sides of the occipital lobe. In the window, the statistical analysis of EEG data shows that the main effect of the distortion is significant, whether it is the latency test or the peak test, that is, the distortion induced components appear later and the peak value is larger. Furthermore, the distortion and the left and right occipital leaves have interaction, and the further simple effect analysis shows that the distortion is better than the clear bar on the right occipital lobe. A more negative N170 component was induced, which accords with and supports the lateralization of N170.
Experiment two is a low frequency experiment. The frequency range of target stimulation is 7.7-23.2 times per million. Repeated measurement of variance analysis of EEG data in low frequency experiments shows that the main effect of the distortion is remarkable on the 300-500ms time window, but the main effect of the start is not significant. This may be influenced by the frequency. On the 150-300ms time window, the latency to P2 The analysis of variance analysis found that the main effect of the distortion was significant, and the interaction between the start and distortion was significant on Midline. Further simple effect analysis found that under the condition of distortion, no starting condition could induce more brain electrical components than starting conditions, but there was no significant difference between starting and starting conditions under clear strip. P2 It is found that the main effect of the distortion is significant, that is, the distortion condition induces a larger P2 component. In the 150-250ms time window, the main effect of the distortion is also significant.
In both high frequency and low frequency experiments, the distortion stimulation induced a larger N400. than the clear condition. The four factors of the electrode point, the high frequency, the start and the distortion are repeated on the 400-450ms time window. The results show that the interaction between the distortion and the frequency is significant, and the further simple effect analysis is found in the high frequency strip. On the other hand, the distortion effect of a clearer than the aberration stimulation may be caused by a more negative N400.N400 distortion effect on the one hand, which may be due to the distortion of the semantic series, the stimulation of the distortion affects the semantic processing of Chinese characters; on the other hand, it may be the influence of the family size, the distortion of the Chinese character has no other family members, the family is small, and the family members of the other clear Chinese characters are required. The larger the larger the larger the family, the larger the N400 induced by the larger families. These results also meet and verify the anticipation of interactive activation series processing.
The distortion effect of N400 is also reflected in the components of P2 and N170. Both high frequency and low frequency experiments, the distortion induced P2 is more negative than the clear condition, and the P2 induced by the distortion stimulation is also later than the clear stimulus.
The main effect of the distortion is significant, the interaction between the distortion and the frequency is significant. This result conforms to and validates the prediction of the series processing and supports the interactive activation model. In the high frequency experiment, the distortion effect of N170 is significant and the left and right hemispheres are different, which support the theory of "expert" processing by N170, and further prove that N170 has The characteristics of lateralization.


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