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发布时间:2018-05-29 13:07

  本文选题:农民 + 打工族 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the number of migrant workers in China has increased year by year, and the living standard of people is increasing. However, the divorce rate in rural areas has been increasing in recent years. The number of married families in rural areas is increasing, and it has a certain influence on social harmony and stability. At present, the country and the academic background are in the background of farmers working out. The concern of the farmers' marital quality is very limited. Although the state has promulgated the notice of solving the long term separation between the husband and wife and the husband and wife, the people who meet the conditions are a few, and there are still a large number of people living the life of the Cowherd and Weaver. The family is the cell of the family marriage. The family is the cell of the society, the stability and harmony of the society can not be separated from the participation of every small family. Marriage is the prerequisite for the formation of a family, and the stability and happiness of the marriage depends on the good quality of marriage. This study is divided into the following two parts: research one, questionnaire survey. Through literature review, simple interviews in the early stage, to determine the quality of marriage in rural couples. Demographic variables, using the quality of marriage questionnaire as the tool, selected the villagers of X village in Maitreya and the rural migrant workers market in Maitreya, restaurants, stations, and high railway station construction sites of 386 people, to understand the overall status and influence factors of marital quality of rural couples under the background of rural migrant workers. Study two, take root theory research. Take root theory research Through comparative analysis, 6 factors that affect marital quality in rural couples: spouses derailment, family trivia, family economy, social atmosphere, bad hobby and personal quality. The main results of the two parts are as follows: (1) the overall level of marital quality in rural areas is low; (2) the total marital quality score of the husband and wife in housekeeping is obvious. The total marital quality score higher than the migrant workers, that is, the family members go out to work on the marital quality of the husband and wife; (3) the marital quality of the husband and wife in the rural areas is influenced by multiple factors, including sex, marital status, working (interval of meeting time, how long contact interval time), age, marriage reasons, and premarital status. The relationship, the relationship between the woman and the wife, the way of the husband's coping with the conflict between the wife and the wife, the way of the fight between the husband and wife, the housework, the great contribution of the economy, and the choice of the incumbent spouse, these factors have a certain degree of influence on the marital quality of the husband and wife; (4) the results of the grounded theory study: matching Even derailment, family trivia, family economy, social atmosphere, bad hobby, and personal quality not only directly affect the marital quality of rural couples, but the other 5 factors also have a close relationship with spouses, which ultimately affect the marital quality of rural couples. For rural areas, spouses derailment is the bottom line of marriage relations, which is the influence of rural couples. The key factors of marital quality; the other 5 factors also have an important role. Experience the spouse's family and more care, understanding and tolerance, more likely to get a more satisfactory marriage; (5) the results of the grounded theory verify the results of the questionnaire survey: early marriage, some people in the family work out, the relationship of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law all have a quality of marriage to husband and wife. The results of the two methods were different, and the results of the questionnaire showed that the family economy (family income, debt situation) had no significant impact on marital quality, but the family economy (spousal concept, spousal laziness, spouses do not take care of home, no money or debt) was the result of marital marriage. Quality has an important influence.


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