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发布时间:2018-05-30 03:18

  本文选题:音节感知 + 音段信息 ; 参考:《心理学报》2016年08期

[Abstract]:It is of great theoretical significance to explore the interaction mechanism of supersonic segments (such as tone) and segmental information for the study of oral vocabulary recognition. Some studies have explored the role of tone in the semantic access stage of oral vocabulary, but in the relatively early syllable perception stage, the interaction mechanism of tone, consonant, vowel and vowel is still lack of systematic understanding. The present study uses oddball paradigm to investigate the role of tone in Chinese syllable perception through two behavioral experiments. Experiment 1 found that there was no difference between the time of tone detection and initial change, which was longer than that of vowel change, indicating that the sensitivity to tone in Chinese syllable perception was not as good as that of vowel. Experiment 2 found that the combination of consonant and vowel was not obviously superior to the perception of vowel, but the simultaneous change of tone and consonant or vowel promoted the subjects' perception of bias stimulation, which indicated that the consonant was by consonant with vowel. The combination of vowels influences the processing of Chinese syllables. The results provide direct experimental evidence for the action mechanism of tone in syllable perception at the cognitive behavioral level and provide a basis for further exploring the cognitive neural mechanism of the interaction between supersonic segments and segmental information.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学心理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31400966,31171077) 教育部人文社会科学青年项目(14YJC190019)


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