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发布时间:2018-05-30 03:45

  本文选题:低年级大学生 + 人际困扰 ; 参考:《中国公共卫生》2017年02期

【摘要】:目的了解低年级大学生人际困扰的特征及其影响因素。方法于2015年3—4月,采用分层整群抽样方法,选取甘肃省3所高校1 103名大一和大二学生,用人际关系综合诊断量表、症状自评量表中人际敏感分量表、应对方式量表、社会适应性量表进行问卷调查。结果低年级大学生人际困扰、人际敏感、应对方式和社会适应性得分分别为(9.62±5.07)、(1.89±0.68)、(0.49±0.12)和(86.17±9.31)分;男生人际困扰总分明显高于女生(t=2.645,P0.01);人际困扰与人际敏感、应对方式和社会适应性呈明显正相关(r=0.549、0.253、0.113,P0.01),人际困扰与人际敏感的典型相关系数为0.565(P0.001);多重线性回归显示,人际敏感、应对方式和社会适应性共同预测人际困扰31.5%的变异。结论低年级大学生存在一定的人际困扰,人际敏感和应对方式共同对低年级大学生人际困扰产生影响。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the characteristics and influencing factors of interpersonal distress in junior college students. Methods from March to March 2015, 1,103 freshmen and sophomores from 3 universities in Gansu province were selected by stratified cluster sampling. The interpersonal relationship comprehensive diagnosis scale, the interpersonal sensitive component table and the coping style scale were used in the symptom Checklist (SCL-90). A questionnaire survey was conducted with the Social adaptability scale. Results the scores of interpersonal distress, interpersonal sensitivity, coping style and social adaptability of junior college students were 9.62 卤5.07 and 1.89 卤0.68 respectively and 86.17 卤9.31), the total score of interpersonal distress of boys was significantly higher than that of girls, and the scores of interpersonal distress and interpersonal sensitivity were significantly higher in boys than in girls. There was a significant positive correlation between coping style and social adaptability. The canonical correlation coefficient between interpersonal distress and interpersonal sensitivity was 0.565N P0.001.The multiple linear regression showed that interpersonal sensitivity, coping style and social adaptability predicted 31.5% variation of interpersonal distress. Conclusion there are some interpersonal problems in junior college students, and interpersonal sensitivity and coping style affect interpersonal distress of junior college students.
【作者单位】: 西北民族大学教育科学与技术学院心理学系;


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