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发布时间:2018-05-30 12:41

  本文选题:心理距离 + 机会识别 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:创业对社会繁荣和国家的经济发展而言意义非凡。创业不仅能促进经济增长、增强国家创新能力,还能加快经济结构调整,更能缩小地区间的贫富差距,解决就业实际问题。机会的识别、评估和开发三部分是成功创业的三部曲,其中需要解决的首要问题就是创业机会的识别。有关影响因素的讨论是该领域不可忽视的问题,本研究以解释水平理论为基础,采用情境实验的方法研究探讨了心理距离对创业机会识别的影响机制。研究共分为三部分,采用3(心理距离的三个维度)×2(心理距离远、近)的被试间设计,共设计了六种创业情境。 研究一通过预实验与正式实验探讨了心理距离的三个维度——时间距离、空间距离以及社会距离对创业机会识别的影响。研究以有工作经验的被试为样本,共收集有效数据164份,采用方差分析的方法进行数据分析。分析结果显示在时间距离、空间距离和社会距离较远的情况下,被试对创业机会的识别程度均高于距离近的情境。 研究二使用相同的实验材料,以225名江苏和上海地区有创业经验以及有创业资本的被试为样本,再次验证了研究一的结论,,并进一步探究了心理距离对机会识别的影响机制,即风险知觉的中介作用。回归分析数据结果表明,在时间距离维度,风险知觉部分中介了时间距离对机会识别的影响;在空间距离和社会距离维度,风险知觉起到了完全中介的作用。 研究三在研究二的基础上,分析了创业经验对心理距离与机会识别关系的调节作用。方法是请被试在完成研究二的问卷后,汇报自己的创业经验,包括是否有过创业经历以及创业的年限。研究通过方差分析对创业经历有无的影响进行了检验,接着使用回归分析检验了创业年限的影响。结果显示在时间距离和社会距离维度,创业经验(包括创业经历的有无以及创业年限的长短)对心理距离对机会识别的影响起到了缓冲作用,并且调节效应是通过风险知觉发生作用。在空间距离维度,创业经验的调节作用不显著。
[Abstract]:Entrepreneurship is of great significance to the prosperity of society and the economic development of the country. Entrepreneurship can not only promote economic growth, enhance national innovation ability, but also accelerate economic restructuring, reduce the gap between rich and poor in different regions, and solve the actual problem of employment. The identification, evaluation and development of opportunities are the trilogy of successful entrepreneurship, among which the first problem to be solved is the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. The discussion of influencing factors is a problem that can not be ignored in this field. Based on the theory of level of explanation, this study uses the method of situational experiment to study the influence mechanism of psychological distance on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. The study was divided into three parts. Six kinds of entrepreneurial situations were designed by using 3 (three dimensions of psychological distance) 脳 2 (psychological distance, close) between the subjects. In the first study, the influence of three dimensions of psychological distance, time distance, space distance and social distance on entrepreneurial opportunity recognition was discussed by pre-experiment and formal experiment. A total of 164 valid data were collected and analyzed by ANOVA. The results showed that the recognition degree of entrepreneurial opportunity was higher than that of close situation in the case of time distance, space distance and social distance. Using the same experimental materials, the second study used 225 subjects with entrepreneurial experience and venture capital in Jiangsu and Shanghai as samples to verify the conclusion of study 1, and further explore the influence mechanism of psychological distance on opportunity recognition. Namely the intermediary function of risk perception. The results of regression analysis show that in the dimension of time distance, risk perception partly mediates the influence of time distance on opportunity recognition, and in the dimension of space distance and social distance, risk perception plays a role as a complete intermediary. On the basis of the second study, the third study analyzes the role of entrepreneurial experience in regulating the relationship between psychological distance and opportunity recognition. After completing the questionnaire, the participants were asked to report their entrepreneurial experience, including whether they had any entrepreneurial experience or not. The influence of entrepreneurial experience was tested by ANOVA, and then the effect of entrepreneurial life was tested by regression analysis. The results showed that in the dimension of time distance and social distance, entrepreneurial experience (including the existence of entrepreneurial experience and the length of entrepreneurial years) played a buffer role on the impact of psychological distance on opportunity recognition. And the regulatory effect is through risk perception. In the dimension of space distance, entrepreneurial experience does not play a significant role.


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