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发布时间:2018-05-30 22:07

  本文选题:面孔表情 + 面孔性别 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:面孔认知加工在人们的日常生活中有着重要的社会意义和生物学意义,也因此成为心理学、人工智能和认知神经科学等领域共同关注的研究热点。人类的面孔包含着大量的信息,例如表情、性别、年龄和身份等等。关于身份和表情的研究较多,而对比性别和表情的研究较少,根据Bruce-Young的面孔功能模型和分布式人类神经系统模型,面孔性别和表情属于两条独立的加工通道,并且也有着相对独立的加工脑区。从进化心理学的视角来看,情绪信息和性别信息的快速加工都是人类生存繁衍的必要条件。因此对二者的比较有着丰富的理论意义和实践意义。在前人的研究中均是通过不同的任务(表情判断和性别判断)来实现,但实际生活中还有很多情况是这两类信息处于自由竞争状态,没有明确的指导或要求加工哪一类信息。因此我们通过异同范式(实验1)和oddball范式(实验2、3)实现了在自由竞争状态下表情和性别的对比研究,,在实验一中,要求被试判断出表情和性别两个维度的信息均一致时为“同”条件,其余只要有一个维度不同视为“异”条件,而异条件又包括三种情况:表情不同(ED)、性别不同(SD)、都不相同(D)。在实验2、3中要求被试对一种表情和性别的组合做反应(例如男哭,靶刺激类型在被试间平衡),其余组合均不反应,因此形成了3种nogo的条件:表情和目标不同(ED),性别和目标不同(SD),均不同(D).实验2、3的不同在于,实验3去除了D条件,而把ED和SD条件分别和目标刺激组合后按block呈现,通过这一方式调节被试的注意朝向表情和性别的一个维度。以探索注意对面孔表情和性别的不同影响。 结果发现:在实验1中D条件反应时显著短于ED、SD条件,ED的正确率显著高于SD的条件。 实验2中对3种nogo刺激进行分析,在N170指标上没有出现差异,在LRP上只有SD条件出现了显著地nogoLRP,在P3a指标上,D条件的潜伏期小于ED和SD,同时SD潜伏期小于ED。D和ED的平均波幅显著大于SD条件。 实验3中,ED的波幅仍然显著大于SD条件,但潜伏期的差异不再显著。 结论:分析实验一的结果,因为D条件的反应时小于ED和SD,所以表情和性别加工的优势存在概率问题,而ED的正确率高于SD,可能暗示着表情吸引了更多的注意资源。这一推论在实验2中得到证实,表情的加工优势在动作准备阶段和后期认知加工中均有体现。实验3的结果显示,在注意资源比较充足的情况下,表情加工在速度上的优势消失了,仅仅表现为吸引了更多的注意资源。说明了性别的加工相比表情更多的依赖于注意。
[Abstract]:Face cognitive processing has important social and biological significance in people's daily life, so it has become a common research hotspot in psychology, artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience. Human faces contain a great deal of information, such as expressions, gender, age and identity. According to Bruce-Young 's facial function model and distributed human nervous system model, facial gender and facial expression belong to two independent processing channels. There are also relatively independent processing brain areas. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, the rapid processing of emotional information and gender information is a necessary condition for human survival and reproduction. Therefore, the comparison between the two has rich theoretical and practical significance. In previous studies, these two kinds of information are realized through different tasks (emoji judgment and gender judgment). However, there are still many situations in real life where these two kinds of information are in a free competition state, and there is no clear guidance or requirement to process which kind of information. So we have achieved a comparative study of expression and gender in free competition by using similarities and differences (experiment 1) and oddball paradigm (experiment 2: 3). In experiment 1, The subjects were asked to judge that the information in the two dimensions of expression and sex was "the same" condition when the information was the same, while the other one dimension was different as "different" condition, and the different condition included three kinds of cases: different expression, different sex and different SDN, all of which were different. In experiment 2 / 3, participants were asked to respond to a combination of facial expression and gender (e.g., male crying, target stimulation type balanced between subjects), while the other combinations did not respond. Therefore, three kinds of nogo conditions were formed: facial expression and target were different, gender and goal were different. The difference of experiment 2 is that experiment 3 removes D condition, and combines Ed and SD conditions with target stimuli and presents them according to block. By this way, the attention orientation of subjects is adjusted to a dimension of expression and gender. To explore the different effects of attention on facial expressions and gender. The results showed that in experiment 1, the response time of D condition was significantly shorter than that of EDSD condition and the correct rate of Ed was significantly higher than that of SD condition. In experiment 2, three kinds of nogo stimuli were analyzed and there was no difference in N170 index. Only SD condition appeared nogoLRP in LRP, the latency of D condition was less than Ed and SDon on P3a index, and the average amplitude of SD latency less than that of ED.D and Ed was significantly larger than that of SD condition. In experiment 3, the amplitude of Ed was still significantly higher than that of SD condition, but the difference of latency was not significant. Conclusion: according to the results of experiment 1, because the reaction time of D condition is less than that of Ed and SD, there are probabilistic problems in the superiority of facial expression and gender processing, and the correct rate of Ed is higher than that of SD.This may imply that expression attracts more attention resources. This corollary was confirmed in experiment 2. The predominance of facial expression processing was demonstrated in both the stage of motion preparation and the later stage of cognitive processing. The results of experiment 3 showed that the advantage of facial expression processing in speed was disappeared under the condition of sufficient attention resources, which only attracted more attention resources. It shows that gender processing is more dependent on attention than facial expression.


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