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发布时间:2018-05-30 21:33

  本文选题:脑功能特征 + 智力超常者 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前国内对智力超常者的研究关注教育和发展问题,而对智力超常者的认知和脑功能特点探索不足。数学天才是智力超常者中的一个亚群体。他们在理工科学研究的核心能力——数理推理能力上有高度发展。西方研究者对数学天才的脑功能探索表明,他们具有两个重要脑功能特征:1)右脑功能发达。2)左右脑功能联合功能强化。这些脑功能特征是否可以推论到中国教育文化背景下的数学天才?依据该研究问题,本研究通过两个行为实验探索中国数学天才脑功能特征。实验1中采取一个拼合脸测试(刺激为由一半平静脸与一半微笑脸拼合而成的人脸),要求被试对同时呈现的两副人脸(分别为左半微笑脸和右半微笑脸)判断哪张人脸看起来更愉快,,从而得知被试倾向于使用左脑还是右脑来判断人脸情绪信息。实验2中采用一个大小嵌套字母测试(刺激为由小字母构成的大字母),要求被试判断分别呈现于左侧视野(对应右脑功能)、右侧视野(对应左脑功能)或双侧视野(对应左右联合功能)的两个刺激是否相同(一半实验次数下判断小字母;另一半实验次数下判断大字母)。 本研究结果表明:无论是天才组还是普通组,在拼合脸测试上都表现出左脑加工优势,二者无显著差异;同时亦无显著性别差异。在大小嵌套字母测试中,普通被试的脑功能特征与前人研究一致:右脑在判断大字母时反应更迅速;左脑在判断小字母时反应更迅速。中国数学天才在判断小字母时表现出左脑优势,在判断大字母时表现出左右脑功能协作优势。该研究结果初步表明,中国数学天才具有强化的左脑功能优势和一定的左右脑联合功能的强化。这些特征既可能反应了数学天才者的独特之处,也可能反映了中国文化教育背景的影响。
[Abstract]:At present, the domestic research on the intellectual supernormal pays attention to education and development, but the cognitive and brain function characteristics of the intellectual supernormal are not well explored. Mathematical genius is a subgroup of the intellectual supernormal. They are highly developed in mathematical reasoning, the core competence of scientific research in science and technology. Western researchers' exploration of the brain function of mathematical genius shows that they have two important features of brain function: 1: 1) developed right brain function. 2) combined function enhancement of left and right brain function. Can these characteristics of brain function be inferred from the mathematical genius in the context of Chinese education and culture? On the basis of this study, this study explored the brain function characteristics of Chinese mathematical genius through two behavioral experiments. In experiment 1, a splicing face test was used (the stimulation consisted of half a placid face and half a smiling face), and the subjects were asked to judge which two faces were presented simultaneously (left half smiling face and right half smiling face). The face looks more pleasant, Thus, the subjects tend to use left or right brain to judge facial emotional information. In experiment 2, a size nested alphabet test was used. Subjects were asked to judge whether it was presented in the left visual field (corresponding to right brain function, right visual field (corresponding to left brain function) or double lateral vision). Whether the two stimuli of the field (corresponding to the left and right joint function) are the same (half the times of the experiment to judge the small letters; The other half of the experiments were based on large letters. The results showed that both geniuses and common subjects showed the advantage of left brain processing in the face mosaic test and there was no significant difference between the two groups and there was no significant difference between the two sexes at the same time. In the size nested alphabet test, the brain function characteristics of the common subjects were consistent with previous studies: the right brain reacted more quickly in judging large letters and the left brain more quickly in judging small letters. Chinese mathematical genius shows left brain advantage in judging small letters and left and right brain function cooperation in judging large letters. The results show that Chinese mathematical genius has the advantage of strengthening left brain function and strengthening of left and right brain joint function. These characteristics may not only reflect the uniqueness of mathematical geniuses, but also reflect the influence of Chinese cultural and educational background.


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