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发布时间:2018-05-31 04:51

  本文选题:自我概念 + 品牌个性 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Brand attachment is formed from the theory of attachment in psychology to the field of marketing. It not only provides the theoretical basis and practical value for us to establish the local brand relationship, but also can help us to predict the high level consumer behavior. However, compared with foreign countries, domestic empirical research is less, and local measurement tools are even less. So the present situation of brand attachment of contemporary college students and the related research are discussed by questionnaire survey with 697 college students as subjects. This paper mainly includes five parts: 1) revising the questionnaire of brand attachment of college students. A study on the influence of Pre-dependent variables on Brand attachment; (4) the influence of Brand attachment on Brand loyalty among College students; (5) Brand attachment and Brand attachment of College students A study on the Intermediate effect between Brand loyalty. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) through analysis, it is proved that brand attachment of college students includes four dimensions: emotional connection dimension, trust guarantee dimension, brand self-connection dimension and behavior management dimension. It is found that the revised questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and can be used as an important tool to measure college students' brand attachment, brand sensitivity and brand loyalty in gender, specialty, grade. There were significant differences in demographic variables, such as student origin, monthly consumption, etc. (3) Self-concept, brand personality and brand attachment were positively correlated, respectively. Moreover, college students' self-concept and brand personality have significant predictive effect on brand attachment. (4) Brand sensitivity is significantly positively correlated with brand loyalty. In particular, brand attachment plays a significant predictive role in brand loyalty.) Brand sensitivity plays an intermediary role in the influence of brand attachment on brand loyalty.


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